13 Quotes About Disloyal

“Disloyalty is the worst vice and the worst vice is where there is no vice.” — Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton, British author and politician

Dear my strong girls, you will all go through that phase of life making a mistake of helping a toxic girl whose friendship with you turns into her self-interest. This kind of girls is a real burden towards the empowerment of other females as they can never get past their own insecurity and grow out of high-school-like drama. Despite how advanced we are in educating modern women, this type will still go through life living in identity crisis, endlessly looking for providers of any kind at the end of the day. They can never stand up for others or things that matter because they can't stand up for themselves. They care what everyone thinks only doing things to impress men, friends, strangers, everyone in society except themselves, while at the same time can't stand seeing other women with purpose get what those women want in life. But let me tell you, this is nothing new, let them compete and compare with you as much as they wish, be it your career, love or spirit. You know who you are and you will know who your true girls are by weeding out girls that break our girlie code of honor, but do me a favor by losing this type of people for good. Remind yourself to never waste time with a person who likes to betray others' trust, never. Disloyalty is a trait that can't be cured. Bless yourself that you see a person's true colors sooner than later. With love, your mama. XOXO . Shannon L. Alder
There would definitely be way fewer instances of cheating, if...
There would definitely be way fewer instances of cheating, if the average couple did not have sex only when the woman feels like it. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Some women would not cheat, and some would not have...
Some women would not cheat, and some would not have cheated, had they each married a man whom they love … or at least like. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
There is nothing inherently painful about being cheated on. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The only difference between having an affair here and having an affair there was that the American men would always ended up losing half of his estates over a woman he was infatuated just as much as the next tramp who would come his way, while Japanese men would only earn more respect from their subordinates through the possession of much younger women, as a sign of prowess and affluence, while their wives at home, as if there were rule books distributed nationally on the “proper” marriage etiquette for all young Japanese women to read before they enter into the matrimony, would turn a blind eye on their disloyalty quietly. Vann Chow
Do unto others what you want them to do to you. Don’t deceive if you don’t want to be deceived. Don’t cheat if you don’t want to be cheated. Relationship is mutual. This is the golden rule for all great connections! Israelmore Ayivor
A circle of friends, doesn't always keep perfect relationships. Anthony Liccione
Friends are forever but life is full of disapointments Trinity J. Eidsness
Love will commit, or love will commit suicide. Anthony Liccione
Oh, this time I was doing the gossiping. You should really dismiss me for disloyalty, not to mention the disrespect I'm showing right now by talking to you like this. Jayne Bauling
Turning your back on nothing and walking away is not disloyal, it's self respect. Unknown
Women of dignity know when to stop expecting loyalty when he won't even give you honesty. Shannon L. Alder