6 Quotes About Disciple

Our devotion to following Jesus is an act of faith, hope, and love. We don’t just follow him because he has power over us. We follow him because he gave his life for our sins. Through his crucifixion, he shed his blood on the cross for our sins Read more

Through his resurrection, he offers us the promise of eternal life. He gives us the power to be healed from our diseases by faith in him. He gives us the strength to overcome temptation through prayer and fasting.

And he gives us the courage to stand against the evils in this world by love for each other and hope in his coming kingdom. These disciples quotes are reminders that we are followers of Christ who are called to be here on earth with others who are also striving to follow him.

One by one, these disciples would infect the nations with grace. It wasn't a call to take the sword or the throne and force the world to bow. Rather, they were to live the contagious love of God, to woo the nations into a new future. Shane Claiborne
One of the most significant lessons Jesus taught his disciples was to stop looking for God's life in the regimen of rituals and rules. He came not to refurbish religion, but to offer them a relationship. Jake Colsen
A student is engaging, attentive, notes details, and shows effort in learning. Sandra M. Michelle
Kingdom priority is understood by disciples only Sunday Adelaja
Deliver me from my disciples! Oscar Wilde