5 Quotes About Creative Life

Life can be tiring at times. We are all human, and it's essential to find ways to make life fun. Being creative opens doors to new opportunities, challenges you, and helps you reach your goals. Check out the best quotes about creativity below that will help you stay motivated and inspired.

Bird of the skystill bound to the earth, soaring to unimaginable heightsyet returning to perch in the willow. Death is near, always nearand so...is lifeeven in the ashes. Rise Up Phoenix.Live. Fly. Create! Michele Jennae
People wonder when you're allowed to call yourself a writer. I think maybe the answer is when you recognize that is work." - Nina MacLaughlin, 'With Compliments Manjula Martin
In the vast spectrum of space-time’s coeternal continuum, I am but a glint of bundled energy held together by the translucent fiber of creative consciousness. The misty dew of private thoughts that inhabit my streaky underworld briefly forms a splintery part of the glittering arena of the cosmos. In the ether-like dawn of my awakening, my minuscule arch appears intravenously injected amid the dark matter of the nightscape. Reminiscent of the morning’s dew, my comet’s tailed reflection disintegrates and dissipates without a lasting trace in the dawn of a new age. I shall never wholly cease to exist, since my filtrate potentiality — a trace of my essence — remains suspended forevermore in celestial wonderment. Kilroy J. Oldster
There has to be something other than keeping busy that gives human life value, because our society so often functions as if ‘productivity’ and/or ‘usefulness’ are the measures of human value, and – particularly for artists – this is deeply problematic. We shouldn’t given in. Tasha Golden