14 Quotes About Crazy Person

Everyone has a different personality, and everyone has their own unique way of thinking. Some people seem to thrive on chaos and disorder while others find peace and stability in order. There are lots of crazy people out there, but not all of them are deranged. The best thing about them is that they are always finding new ways to express themselves Read more

Here are some crazy-person quotes that capture the essence of the crazies in all of us.

I know you. Inside and out, Sara. I know you,...
I know you. Inside and out, Sara. I know you, and I’ve accepted it all. Every bit of the crazy. And I love you anyway remember? Emme Rollins
Sometimes there’s no cure for the crazy.” Dale sighed, stroking my hair. “I think we all just have to keep loving through it. Maybe that’s the cure. Emme Rollins
Sometimes you must do crazy things to discover the life...
Sometimes you must do crazy things to discover the life beyond your life, to enter the unknown zone beyond your known zone! Mehmet Murat Ildan
You can't fight hatred with hatred and expect anyone to listen to you. You can only try to lessen it with humor, wit, truth and commonsense. If that doesn't work run like hell, while they throw rocks at you. Shannon L. Alder
I think it is a wise person who does not answer the door to uninvited police officers. Who knows what kind of crazy person could be standing there with a loaded gun! Steven Magee
Never presume to know a person based on the one dimensional window of the internet. A soul can’t be defined by critics, enemies or broken ties with family or friends. Neither can it be explained by posts or blogs that lack facial expressions, tone or insight into the person’s personality and intent. Until people “get that”, we will forever be a society that thinks Beautiful Mind was a spy movie and every stranger is really a friend on Facebook. . Shannon L. Alder
What I find predictable is crazy people's ability to predict that unpredictable people can be predicted by their consistent unpredictable behavior, thus making all crazy people predictable when the world says they are unpredictable. Therefore, I must be “right” because I can predict crazy because I have been trained in the unpredictable nature of consistent craziness because I am crazy. Shannon L. Alder
You might just be the craziest person I've ever know, but you're also the bravest. - Marcus J. Scott Savage
We must thank to the crazy people because by looking at their achievements or the failures, we can decide whether we have to inject some craziness to our own lives or not! Mehmet Murat Ildan
When you find yourself surrounded by sane people excited about your idea and lending support, you realize, perhaps, you are not as crazy as you think you are Paresh Shah
Next time, can you ask him to bring cookies? I don't like to put up with that level of insane unless there's some kind of high-calorie compensation. Lauren Beukes
The problem with educating stupid people was that they didn’t know they were stupid. The same went for curing crazy people. Chuck Palahniuk
I don't know what she's thinking, but I'm thinking how fluid the border is between crazy and interesting, and how hard it is to decide who belongs where. Melissa DeCarlo