200+ Quotes & Sayings By Charles F Glassman

Charles F. Glassman is the founder and CEO of the Glassman Institute for Personal Growth, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing an international forum for personal transformation and development. He has been called one of the most influential people in the field of personal growth and self-improvement. The institute is known as a leading resource for leadership, creativity, and innovation Read more

It is responsible for the groundbreaking courses "Creating Your Mission" and "Creating Your Future." The institute also offers executive development workshops, executive coaching programs, and life management seminars.

Before you find your soul mate, you must first discover...
Before you find your soul mate, you must first discover your soul. Charles F. Glassman
Believing in negative thoughts is the single greatest obstruction to...
Believing in negative thoughts is the single greatest obstruction to success. Charles F. Glassman
The elimination diet: Remove anger, regret, resentment, guilt, blame, and...
The elimination diet: Remove anger, regret, resentment, guilt, blame, and worry. Then watch your health, and life, improve. Charles F. Glassman
When you trust your inner guidance and begin moving in...
When you trust your inner guidance and begin moving in the direction of your dreams (aligned with your individual gifts) you will be cloaked in an armor bestowed upon you by your guardian angel. Charles F. Glassman
Thoughts frame your portrait, action paints it.
Thoughts frame your portrait, action paints it. Charles F. Glassman
The way I see it, our natural human instinct is to fight or flee that which we perceive to be dangerous. Although this mechanism evolved to protect us, it serves as the single greatest limiting process to our growth. To put this process in perspective and not let it rule my life, Iexpect the unexpected;make the unfamiliar familiar;make the unknown known;make the uncomfortable comfortable;believe the unbelievable. Charles F. Glassman
When your intentions are pure, so too will be your...
When your intentions are pure, so too will be your success. Charles F. Glassman
Some say if you want success surround yourself with successful...
Some say if you want success surround yourself with successful people. I say if you want true and lasting success surround yourself with people of integrity. Charles F. Glassman
Self-discipline is often disguised as short-term pain, which often leads to long-term gains. The mistake many of us make is the need and want for short-term gains (immediate gratification), which often leads to long-term pain. Charles F. Glassman
Before you save the world, make sure your own house is in order. Charles F. Glassman
Awaken each day with the expectation that something wonderful is about to happen. Charles F. Glassman
The only regret we should have is allowing regret to hold us back from taking action now. Charles F. Glassman
Sometimes, challenging a person to do their best is the most kind and compassionate thing you can do for them. Charles F. Glassman
When we hold onto worry, regret, and anger, peace of mind, strength of body, and freedom of spirit eludes us. Charles F. Glassman
The odds may be stacked against you. But I believe when you tap into your unique gifts and abilities, while combining them with a sense of purpose, passion, and perseverance you will not only defy those odds, you will help create a better life for yourself and rest of us. Charles F. Glassman
The odds may be stacked against you. Yet, I believe, when you tap into your unique gifts and abilities, while combining them with a sense of purpose, passion, and perseverance, you will not only defy those odds, you will help create a better life for yourself and the rest of us. Charles F. Glassman
Attraction is so much more than a pretty face. It’s face is passion, attitude, kindness, & faith. Charles F. Glassman
Faith and belief are not measured by the size of the miracle but the integrity of our soul. Charles F. Glassman
I will always find a way and a way will always find me. Charles F. Glassman
The more you choose to focus on the positive, the more positive will come into focus. The choice is yours. Charles F. Glassman
I will not allow my mistakes of the past compromise my hope for the future. Charles F. Glassman
Even the smallest changes in our daily routine can create incredible ripple effects that expand our vision of what is possible. Charles F. Glassman
Before I can become an expert on anything, I must first become an expert on me. Charles F. Glassman
Usually the opposite of what we fear is our greatest fear. Charles F. Glassman
We attract what we are prepared to receive. Charles F. Glassman
It is how we nurture the good and deal with the bad that ultimately shapes our destiny. Charles F. Glassman
When we worry about someone we send them a secret message — I don’t believe in you. When we worry about our life, we send ourselves a secret message — I don’t believe in me. Charles F. Glassman
Eliminate blame, guilt, and worry from your diet and watch your health improve. Charles F. Glassman
I am chic, sleek, and so unique. Charles F. Glassman
Making a decision based on fear is like painting a self-portrait of someone else. Charles F. Glassman
Patience is the glue that binds hard work and faith. Charles F. Glassman
Anxiety and depression, and the physical symptoms they cause, are merely distractions and smokescreens to “protect” you from dangers, which are usually, imaginary. Charles F. Glassman
Habits are a way of life and often define our lives. Habitually miserable? You’ll see misery in most circumstances. Habitually joyful? You’ll see joy in most situations. My goal is to choose habits that empower me and break those that wear me down. Charles F. Glassman
Unsolicited advice is usually more about the needs of the giver than the receiver. Charles F. Glassman
Don't underestimate the power of humor and the ability to laugh at yourself to deliver peace and serenity. Charles F. Glassman
Thoughts close more doors then they open. This causes limitation. Action opens more doors then it closes. This results in liberation. I suggest spending less time on trying to change thoughts and more time on the action steps you will take to prove your current thoughts wrong. Once you take consistent, habitual action the thoughts change, spontaneously. Charles F. Glassman
Faith often comes from patience and remembering that sometimes patience is taking a deep breath and listening to that little voice on the inside saying, 'Don't worry, everything is going to be all right. Charles F. Glassman
If you’re planning on quitting, first make sure it's not for one of these reasons: Fear Discomfort Anger Self-pity Someone’s negative opinions Past failures Unrealistic expectations Charles F. Glassman
10 Keys To Success:FocusPerseveranceAbility to adapt Diplomacy Flexibility Open to change Make no excuses Complain little Personal responsibility Faith Charles F. Glassman
Success is too often measured by the size of one’s bank account or the degree of their celebrity. Yet, neither can truly represent the size of one’s character or the depth of their soul. Charles F. Glassman
Sometimes, what holds us back is a childish notion that there is danger in our success. Charles F. Glassman
If we always think the other guy is the reason for our lack of success, then it’s time to start planning ways to lift ourselves up, rather than planning ways to take him down. Charles F. Glassman
When we can only be happy for the success of those less fortunate, we are secretly undermining our own success. Charles F. Glassman
Believing in negative thoughts is one of the greatest obstructions to success. Charles F. Glassman
The big miracle you await will likely first appear in a small encounter or chance event. So always be aware and open, you never know what today will bring. Charles F. Glassman
Just because someone throws their success in your face doesn’t mean you have to let it get in your eyes. Charles F. Glassman
True success is overcoming the fear of being successful. Charles F. Glassman
If only I woulda done that.”“ I really shoulda done that.”“ I coulda done that.” I ask, “Do you really know what your life would be like now if you made those choices?” Believing in regret strips away our only chance to create a better future. That chance: what we decide to do today, right now, in the present. Charles F. Glassman
The moment we decide our purpose is to win is the moment we lose. Charles F. Glassman
The actual lifespan of a thought is very short…unless you believe it, trust it, or take direction from it.. Then it can last a lifetime. Be choosy. Pick the ones with which to do this. Charles F. Glassman
If you continue to hit your head against the wall, don’t be surprised if your head hurts. Charles F. Glassman
The danger of venturing into uncharted waters is not nearly as dangerous as staying on shore, waiting for your boat to come in. Charles F. Glassman
Love, affection, even attention are not things that need pursuit. If they are not given freely, openly, willingly to you by another person, then stop trying to obtain them from that person. Someone else will gladly share theirs with you. Charles F. Glassman
Music is the universal language, because it is the language of the universe. Charles F. Glassman
Sometimes the further away the target, the less you have to try to get there. Charles F. Glassman
When I feel threatened, vulnerable, or insecure, whether it from simply walking into a room of unknown people, meeting someone for the first time, an unexpected or expected confrontation, or doing something new, I affirm in my mind (over and over): There is no danger, there is no threat. From there, the discomfort lessens and I become open for discovery and adventure. Charles F. Glassman
When we procrastinate, we also put a hold on happiness. Charles F. Glassman
Holding on to negative feelings and past circumstances is like placing a lock on your soul. Charles F. Glassman
We all judge. But when I realize that judgmental thoughts and actions are merely my primitive nature trying to "protect" me from being one-upped or making sure I am not one-upped, it makes it easier to laugh at my silliness. � Charles F. Glassman
Transition and change - guaranteed to cause anxiety. That anxiety shows itself in physical and behavioral ways, but also with thoughts (sometimes really crazy ones). This is the (primitive/automatic) brain's way of keeping us safe from the danger of change. We end up getting so involved with the feeling and thoughts of anxiety, we get distracted from the "danger". If we trust the anxiety then our primitive brain has succeeded in "protecting" us from the danger. I suggest not believing, trusting, or taking direction from the anxiety and continue your pursuits forward. Then, you will be amazed at your ability to attract and reveal your true capabilities, your light, your magic. . Charles F. Glassman
Life's journey is peppered with many bumps and pitfalls. If we make mountains out of each one, we will get nowhere. Charles F. Glassman
Accept the good, however big or small, with no strings attached. Charles F. Glassman
Being the best is rarely within our reach. Doing our best is always within our reach. Charles F. Glassman
Although we are urged to walk in another man's shoes, I think, first, we have to walk in another pair of our own shoes. Doing that will free up a lot, including our ability to be more compassionate and less judgmental. Charles F. Glassman
Perseverance is the enemy of doubt. Charles F. Glassman
Having faith and belief in my inner guidance allows me to see the world in a way that strengthens that faith and belief and brings with it a life filled with welcomed expectation and awe. Charles F. Glassman
Giving without expectation leads to receiving without limitation. Charles F. Glassman
I acknowledge the challenge of believing in a supernatural divinity. After all, in the natural a rock is a rock; a desk is a desk; my skin is my skin. Or are they? That rock you pick up and feel on your skin and place on the desk is 99.9% empty space–between atoms; as is your skin and the desk. So, perhaps it is our perception of the natural or “real” world that needs tweaking, not the supernatural. . Charles F. Glassman
Make the right choices For the right reasonsand the right things will happen. Charles F. Glassman
Recognizing that God exists in all of us is the first step toward genuine kindness. Charles F. Glassman
Forgiving someone else doesn't give them a free pass. It gives you a free pass to move on. Charles F. Glassman
Sometimes what seems so right turns out wrong and what seems so wrong turns out right. What do I call this phenomenon? Life. Charles F. Glassman
Usually when someone is angry we hear their angry words. Instead, try hearing the unspoken, “I am scared, I am frustrated, I am insecure, I am vulnerable, I am threatened. Charles F. Glassman
Controlling unwanted thoughts is not the problem. Believing, thrusting, and taking direction from them is. Charles F. Glassman
In order to reach for the stars, you must have both feet planted firmly on the ground. Charles F. Glassman
Make sure when you reach for the stars, you keep both feet firmly planted on the ground. Charles F. Glassman
When I remove the layers that say I can't, I discover a burning ember that says I should, I can, and I will. Charles F. Glassman
Belief can convert the mundane into the miraculous. Charles F. Glassman
Gratitude opens the door to faith and faith opens the door to our relationship with God. Charles F. Glassman
You won't find your soul in a textbook, self-help book, or buy it in a store. Sometimes, it's just a matter of looking past the anger, regret, and envy to see its smiling face. Charles F. Glassman
When you don't ask for advice, but get it anyway, it has more to do with the needs and wants of the giver than you the receiver. Charles F. Glassman
Action, not philosophy will get you going. Pick yourself up and move forward. That is the only way you can still enjoy life while you are blessed to be living it. Charles F. Glassman
The only certainty in life is that it is uncertain. Charles F. Glassman
The fear of being alone is a great obstacle to attracting the relationship that is right for you. Charles F. Glassman
Staring at the light of another blinds the view of our own. Charles F. Glassman
Although to our automatic brain, change always means potential danger. In order to calm that brain, it means embracing change so to turn on the light in our mind and open the door to our true potential. Charles F. Glassman
God's image is more than flesh and bones. Charles F. Glassman
Guilt is to your health as a thief is to your wealth. Charles F. Glassman
Take a moment, right now, and consider the enormity of activity going on inside of you — from the billions of cells to the even more billions of microscopic organisms. And in that same moment consider the enormity of activity in the oceans, the forests, the jungles, the earth below your feet, right now. And before you take your next breath, consider what might be going on in the outer regions of the universe. Finally, ask yourself, am I really in a position to discount possibilities beyond the limits of my conscious experience?. Charles F. Glassman
The thoughts that creep into our brain about other people tell us less about those people than they do about ourself.. Understand that most judgments of others are an attempt to empower ourselves and give a sense of being better than the person we judge.. Our primitive nature (automatic brain) helps us believe that this is necessary for protection. Following this natural tendency puts up further obstructions to the law of attraction. . Charles F. Glassman
Don't wait for the law of attraction to happen to you; make it happen for you, by taking action. Once you do this, you will experience the law of revelation. Charles F. Glassman
Perhaps the greatest neutralizer of sadness rests with two simple words : thank you. Charles F. Glassman
Sometimes, all it takes to lift the sadness from another is to let them know how much you appreciate them and how grateful you are having them in your life. Charles F. Glassman
True friends are like diamonds. They shine for you even on the darkest days. Charles F. Glassman
Smile, when you don't want to. Give, when you feel you have nothing to give. Go for a walk, when you don't have the energy. Listen, when you feel you can't listen. Play music, when you need to hear the news. Take five, when you don't have the time. Charles F. Glassman
I choose to walkwith gratitude, not envy; with faith, not worry; with confidence, not fear; with kindness, not anger. Charles F. Glassman
Since most of us are just trying to figure it all out, why not be kind and considerate while on the journey? Charles F. Glassman
Happiness can be just one thought away. Charles F. Glassman
Happiness can be as close as your next thought. Charles F. Glassman
What separates courage from fear are the thoughts we choose to believe. Charles F. Glassman