17 Quotes About Childrens Book

There are many books that can teach children about life, love, responsibility, and hardships. Some of them are written with the intention of teaching children to live their lives to the fullest. These are the best quotes for kids about being yourself, finding yourself, being happy, being strong enough, being brave enough, being positive enough, and more.

She may not be like everyone else, but neither am...
She may not be like everyone else, but neither am I. Jessica Marie Baumgartner
Inspire someone today. Your action can change that person’s life forever. Gellaworks
I love to help children's souls shine.
I love to help children's souls shine. Bracha Goetz
This is for everyone who has ever looked at the stars, or gazed from atop a hill, or across the sea and wondered... Tim Perkins
Charlotte’s dirty dishes haunted her dreams that night. She was running down a dark tunnel and close behind her plates, cups, bowls and crumbs made threatening noises. Jennifer Lott
I believe that children in this country need a more robust literary diet than they are getting. …It does not hurt them to read about good and evil, love and hate, life and death. Nor do I think they should read only about things that they understand. '…a man’s reach should exceed his grasp.' So should a child’s. For myself, I will never talk down to, or draw down to, children.(from the author's acceptance speech for the Caldecott award) . Barbara Cooney
Oh no, princess. I would never carry out anything which could harm your being. This was just something I was told to say. I'm not sure what is planned, if, you go against their wishes. But, I'm sure you're smart and won't test them. Chayada Welljaipet
Then how about this: Remember Austin Gollaher, because what we do matters, even if we don't end up in history books. Deborah Hopkinson
Kid's books should be just as good as any other books. No. They should be held to a *higher* standard than other literature for the same reason that we take extra care with children's food. Patrick Rothfuss
Stealing is wrong Billy David Chuka
Be the best you can be for yourself! Susan Marie Murdoch
It’s exciting to watch young children read poetry for the first time. You can sense the wheels turning and you just know their brain is doing this wonderful thing called learning. It’s magical! Elaine Grey
Always just a brainstorm away from our next disaster... Birgit Pratcher
Writing is a Passion, Art is my Dreams, Crafting is something I Enjoy.The day one stops learning is the day one stops living. Carol Hopkins
Life is but a flash of time, a momentous flicker-- in the life that we know and space we live in on earth.© VW Virginia Wright
I know they were mean to me and to you, but helping them now is the right thing to do. Lauren Isabelle Pierre