4 Quotes About Caretaking

Many people have a desire to help others, but it’s a difficult thing to do. Most of us aren’t sure how to be helpful. We have all seen those wonderful people who truly care about the well being of others and go out of their way to help those who are in need. They aren’t as flashy as others, but they are as valuable as anyone else Read more

The following quotes on caretaking will inspire you to be a better person and do more for those around you today.

Caretaking is the utmost spiritual and physical responsibility of our time, and perhaps that stewardship is finally our place in the web of life, our work, the solution to the mystery that we are. There are already so many holes in the universe that will never again be filled, and each of them forces us to question why we permitted such loss, such tearing away at the fabric of life, and how we will live with our planet in the future. Linda Hogan
I’d write and read and let myself, a little at a time, step down into myself- like a stairway down into a dark, intimate kiva- where the work of vigil is taking place, the necessary attending. I imagine there’s a little fire burning in there, a few steadily glowing embers, and a quiet chant going on, from me, from some singer in me, honoring and accompanying W’s soul, which is with him as he is making his passage..there’s a leavetaking in process, a movement towards increasing simplicity, away from complexity, activity, expectation. The bout of paranoia, with a childlike quality of being threatened, seems part of that-like a day or two when he couldn’t just let go and float on the energies of other people, who are bearing him up-but had to doubt them, struggle. So much better when he can trust and float. There’s enough love around him to carry him now… . Mark Doty
The corn is planted first, followed by beans, then squash between the rows. They are called the Three Sisters. They sustain each other, the earth, and us. But the Big Ones do not know that. They do not care for the earth, and its children, properly. Elizabeth Haydon