9 Quotes About Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is an important part of life today. We all rely on technology to communicate, learn, and do business, but the digital world has become increasingly more vulnerable to cyberattacks. It’s important to be vigilant against hackers, phishing schemes, and other online security threats. Here are some great cybersecurity quotes that will help you stay safe online.

This cyberwar will be a continuous marathon war that will only compound and hyper-evolve in stealth, sophistication and easy entry due to the accelerated evolution of “as a service” attack strategies for sale on the dark web. James Scott
Creating back doors to hack in to secure devices will not only undermine consumer confidence in technology but most importantly empower cyber criminals and totalitarian regimes. Arzak Khan
Right and wrong isn’t a matter of ethics, rather it’s the geography in which you reside and whose control you’re under. Tallinn Manual 2.0 is based largely on western international humanitarian law. James Scott
You'll have the right to be angry about Vault 7 only after you boycott dragnet surveillance data providers like Google, Microsoft, Skype, Facebook and LinkedIn. The true threat is coming from the private sector surveillance profiteers. James Scott
A single spear-phishing email carrying a slightly altered malware can bypass multi-million dollar enterprise security solutions if an adversary deceives a cyber-hygienically apathetic employee into opening the attachment or clicking a malicious link and thereby compromising the entire network. James Scott
In an age of dynamic malware obfuscation through operations such as mutating hash, a hyper-evolving threat landscape, and technologically next generation adversaries, offensive campaigns have an overwhelming advantage over defensive strategies. James Scott
There's a compounding and unraveling chaos that is perpetually in motion in the Dark Web's toxic underbelly. James Scott
Every conceivable layer of the election process is completely riddled with vulnerabilities, so yes, hacking elections is easy! James Scott