7 Quotes About Brittany Burgunder

If you think that the only way you can be happy is to fit in with other people, then this collection of quotes about being yourself will help you change your perspective. In today’s world, it’s easy to get sucked into the crowd. We might even go as far as to say that those who don’t fit in are lonely. But those who don’t fit in are never too alone Read more

And if you’re a person who doesn’t fit in, then this is a collection of brilliant and inspirational quotes about being yourself that will help you find your own path.

Soon, when all is well, you're going to look back...
Soon, when all is well, you're going to look back on this period of your life and be so glad that you never gave up. Brittany Burgunder
Hold yourself back, or heal yourself back together. You decide.
Hold yourself back, or heal yourself back together. You decide. Brittany Burgunder
There is a fine line between stubbornness and stupidity as...
There is a fine line between stubbornness and stupidity as well as intensity and insanity. Brittany Burgunder
A huge part of recovery and life -is slowing down...
A huge part of recovery and life -is slowing down and accepting the un K N O W N. This is how you get to KNOW —yourself. Brittany Burgunder
Just because your heart is beating, doesn't mean you're alive.
Just because your heart is beating, doesn't mean you're alive. Brittany Burgunder
Forgiving yourself, believing in yourself and choosing to love yourself...
Forgiving yourself, believing in yourself and choosing to love yourself are the best gifts one could receive. Brittany Burgunder
Recovery is hard. Regret is harder.
Recovery is hard. Regret is harder. Brittany Burgunder
Your personal growth is the only thing that matters. You...
Your personal growth is the only thing that matters. You own and write your story no one else does. Believe in your unique steps up the mountain. Brittany Burgunder
Don't second guess yourself. You know the right answer and...
Don't second guess yourself. You know the right answer and what's best for you. Life is so much easier once you realize this. Brittany Burgunder
What are you hiding? Is it something from others, or...
What are you hiding? Is it something from others, or from yourself. Find your truth. The more you show up, the more you'll be found. Brittany Burgunder
It doesn't matter what others think. This is about YOU....
It doesn't matter what others think. This is about YOU. Create a life that you genuinely love with your whole heart & start with yourself. Brittany Burgunder
It doesn't matter what others think. This is about YOU....
It doesn't matter what others think. This is about YOU. Create a life that you genuinely love with your whole heart and start with yourself. Brittany Burgunder
Life works in mysterious ways, and I believe one of...
Life works in mysterious ways, and I believe one of the biggest challenges and successes is to let go and let it be. Brittany Burgunder
Setbacks allow us to take a step back and look...
Setbacks allow us to take a step back and look at the view from a whole. Brittany Burgunder
If only you knew how beautiful you are unconditionally. Don't...
If only you knew how beautiful you are unconditionally. Don't you know it's enough if all you do is breathe? Brittany Burgunder
Whatever you did today is enough. Whatever you felt today is valid. Whatever you thought today isn't to be judged. Repeat the above each day. Brittany Burgunder
No one knows your truth but you. If you're secure in yourself, no one and no(thing) can touch you. Brittany Burgunder
If you want to do something healthy for yourself - focus on your internal relationship. A diet, external, or materialistic fix WON'T work. Brittany Burgunder
Make a promise to yourself that you will always choose growth over safe and dreams over fear. Brittany Burgunder
The only way to move forward is to focus on the good in your life and the good that you are doing for others and yourself. My past has shown me things in life, others and myself that I wouldn't wish upon anyone, but I can choose to pick up the pieces and build a beautiful life for myself and help others to do the same. Brittany Burgunder
Everyone holds his or her own key to success and happiness. It's just that sometimes you have to test out a lot of wrong keys first to find the one that fits. Brittany Burgunder
It's amazing how much power a smile holds. It's contagious and brightens people's day. It's also the most powerful camouflage. For that person who seems to have it all together is merely masking the pain of drowning tears. Don't be so quick to assume. Brittany Burgunder
The most important progress and success can't be seen. If you can validate yourself internally, then external validation becomes a byproduct. Brittany Burgunder
Eating disorder recovery becomes possible when you keep making the next right decision over and over. With time, these decisions become automatic. Brittany Burgunder
Take a chance. Don’t fear change. Life won’t hand you your dreams. Every time a door closes or you let go of something, you will find that there is room for new possibilities to enter. You aren’t saying goodbye. You are saying hello. Brittany Burgunder
I don't have the perfect roadmap drawn out, but I do know which roads I'll never drive down again. Brittany Burgunder
Perfectionism is searching for faults to justify low self-esteem. It is a guaranteed failure and fantasy. Brittany Burgunder
Recovery doesn't mean putting your life on hold. Recovery means holding on so you can live your best life. Brittany Burgunder