3 Quotes About Blessings In Abundance

Everyone likes to feel blessed at some point in their life. It’s a natural human instinct. When we don’t feel blessed we tend to blame others, the universe, or even ourselves for not being lucky enough. While feeling blessed is natural, it’s important to understand that our blessings are a result of our own actions and choices Read more

Here are just a few of the many blessings in abundance that the universe has been sending our way, from being born on earth to being born into a prosperous family with a strong foundation of faith and values.

Life can be stressful! When the world Shouts "Chaos" God's messages of Love whisper "Seek My Peace" Encourage Children to search out God's Blessings in life! Dianna Wyles
Stay positive. Sometimes you don't even realize you're blocking your own blessings by thinking negatively and holding on to the past. Learn to let go. Germany Kent