84 Quotes About Beauty In Nature

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. It’s true that beauty is often in the eye of the beholder, but if you don’t believe it, there are plenty of beautiful things in this world that you can see for yourself. So whether you’re looking to find beauty in nature or appreciate it more at home, there’s a quote for that.

Looking at beauty in the world, is the first step...
Looking at beauty in the world, is the first step of purifying the mind. Amit Ray
God is the most beautiful, and beauty is the expression...
God is the most beautiful, and beauty is the expression of God. If you can't appreciate beauty in the world how can you understand God? Amit Ray
Compassion is all inclusive. Compassion knows no boundaries. Compassion comes with awareness, and awareness breaks all narrow territories. Amit Ray
Kindness and awareness work together. Through awareness we understand the underlying beauty of everything and every being. Amit Ray
Go outside, wherever you are, and appreciate each drop of...
Go outside, wherever you are, and appreciate each drop of water, each flower, each architectural work of art. Amy Leigh Mercree
Beauty is the purest feeling of the soul. Beauty arises when soul is satisfied. Amit Ray
The beauty that lies hidden, makes my soul tremble with...
The beauty that lies hidden, makes my soul tremble with awe. Patricia Robin Woodruff
You only fix something, when it’s broken. And you -...
You only fix something, when it’s broken. And you - are far from broken. Abhijit Naskar
Say to yourself, I am perfect, the way I am....
Say to yourself, I am perfect, the way I am. Say to yourself, I am beautiful the way I am. Say to yourself, those who do not accept me the way I am, do not deserve me in their life. Abhijit Naskar
A society where feminine beauty is defined not by the human self on genuine intellectual and sentimental grounds, but by a computer software on the grounds of economic interest, is more dead than alive. It is a society of human bodies, not human beings. Abhijit Naskar
Listen my dear sister! You only fix something, when it’s broken. And you - are far from broken. Say to yourself, I am perfect, the way I am. Say to yourself, I am beautiful the way I am. Say to yourself, those who do not accept me the way I am, do not deserve me in their life. Abhijit Naskar
The female brain itself is a highly intuitive emotion-processing machine, which when put to practice in the progress of the society, would do much more than any man can with all his analytical perspectives. Abhijit Naskar
O my Courageous Sister! You have to become the beacon...
O my Courageous Sister! You have to become the beacon of hope for all women around you and then for the whole society. Abhijit Naskar
Beauty is an illusion.
Beauty is an illusion. Abhijit Naskar
Meditation, education and beauty are the three transforming powers that...
Meditation, education and beauty are the three transforming powers that can change individual and the whole world. Amit Ray
Life is not always perfect. Like a road, it has...
Life is not always perfect. Like a road, it has many bends, ups and down, but that’s its beauty. Amit Ray
We create a meaningful life by what we accept as...
We create a meaningful life by what we accept as true and by what we create in the pursuit of truth, love, beauty, and adoration of nature. Kilroy J. Oldster
The feeling of awed wonder that science can give us is one of the highest experiences of which the human psyche is capable. It is a deep aesthetic passion to rank with the finest that music and poetry can deliver. It is truly one of the things that make life worth living and it does so, if anything, more effectively if it convinces us that the time we have for living is quite finite. Richard Dawkins
Beauty is the moment when time vanishes and eternity arises.
Beauty is the moment when time vanishes and eternity arises. Amit Ray
There is no envy, jealousy, or hatred between the different...
There is no envy, jealousy, or hatred between the different colors of the rainbow. And no fear either. Because each one exists to make the others’ love more beautiful. Aberjhani
Our thoughts and feelings make us whereas love and beauty...
Our thoughts and feelings make us whereas love and beauty sustain us. Kilroy J. Oldster
The goal of all principled people is to recognize truth. Simple or complex thoughts and feelings standing alone rarely express any universal truths. Thoughts and feelings combine to create profound truths and compose extravagant falsities. Truth making exposes certain falsehoods, and lies shed light upon irrefutable truths. Art reveals the pageantry of nature along with the unmitigated grotesqueness that accompanies an earthly life. The search for truth begins with an intellectual journey into darkness whereas the search for beauty requires an imaginative act trussed with the classical beauty of Apollonian lightness. Aesthetic appreciation represents the perfect reconciliation of the sensual and rational parts of humankind’s animalistic nature. Similar to aesthetic experience — contemplation of beauty without imposition of a worldly agenda — love depends upon human sensory-emotional values, a judgement of values and sentiments. Kilroy J. Oldster
We live mindfully by harvesting evocative scenes to pay attention...
We live mindfully by harvesting evocative scenes to pay attention to including the mountains and oceans, flowers and trees, love and friendship, music and literature, art and poetry. Kilroy J. Oldster
It was a sort of ferocious, quiet beauty, the sort...
It was a sort of ferocious, quiet beauty, the sort that wouldn't let you admire it. The sort of beauty that always hurt. Maggie Stiefvater
Bees blew like cake-crumbs through the golden air, white butterflies...
Bees blew like cake-crumbs through the golden air, white butterflies like sugared wafers, and when it wasn't raining a diamond dust took over which veiled and yet magnified all things Laurie Lee
The beauty of that June day was almost staggering. After the wet spring, everything that could turn green had outdone itself in greenness and everything that could even dream of blooming or blossoming was in bloom and blossom. The sunlight was a benediction. The breezes were so caressingly soft and intimate on the skin as to be embarrassing. Dan Simmons
All in the eye of the beholder - Some of...
All in the eye of the beholder - Some of the most destructive forces in the world (Fire & Water), can also have the power of beauty. Martin R. Lemieux
The tangible and factual components of reality along with the intangible strands of memory and imagination constitute the framework that houses our vital life force. A person is likewise composed of contradictory and complementary forces of pain and pleasure, darkness and lightness, and clashing and harmonizing bands of thoughts and feelings. The web and root of all persons consists of both the expressible and the unsayable. Who has not held imaginary conversations with gods, devils, and spirits? Persons whom enthusiastically cultivate an inner life, ardently experience the quick of nature, and willingly immerse themselves in all aspects of everyday living will experience renewal. Analogous to the heat source of fire, we need the spark of desire to fuel our hearts and the spirit of the breeze to spread our heart songs. Kilroy J. Oldster
The USA is a beautiful country...when you take the corrupt...
The USA is a beautiful country...when you take the corrupt corporations and their government minions out of the equation. Steven Magee
Witnessing the panoply of beauty in all of nature takes us out of our shell of self-absorption and makes us realize that we are merely bit players in the game of life. Witnessing the majesty of beauty confirms that the real show lies outside us to observe and appreciate and not inside us to transfix us. True beauty charms us into seeing the grandeur of goodness that surrounds us and by doing so, the pristine splendor of nature releases us from wallowing in the poverty of our self-idealization. The bewitching spell cast by the exquisiteness of nature levitates our souls and transforms our psyche. When we see, hear, taste, smell, or touch what is beautiful, we cannot suppress the urge to replicate its baffling texture by singing, dancing, painting, or writing. Opening our eye to the loveliness of a single flower is how we stay in touch with the glorious pageantry of living. Kilroy J. Oldster
The philosophical study of beauty, art, and the splendor of nature nurtures a person’s fertile mind by exposing a person to the puzzling world of the beautiful, elegant, ugly, and grotesque. Human beings ability to experience sublime pleasure emanates from a variety of sensory experiences and a person’s ability to make discriminatory observations and judgment in taste and sentiment. Kilroy J. Oldster
If you can add a great beauty to something which...
If you can add a great beauty to something which is already beautiful, then you must be very beautiful like a white swan adding beauty to a misty lake! Mehmet Murat Ildan
The job of the United Nations is to grow more...
The job of the United Nations is to grow more flowers, more smiles and more beauty on the earth. Once effect is created, cause will follow, Amit Ray
What you today perceive as beautiful and special, over time,...
What you today perceive as beautiful and special, over time, becomes not so special. That’s how the human brain works. Abhijit Naskar
Beauty is irrelevant to human life, especially in a relationship.
Beauty is irrelevant to human life, especially in a relationship. Abhijit Naskar
The earth is always changing...readjusting to our existence. Each era...
The earth is always changing...readjusting to our existence. Each era is full of unique challenges Val Uchendu
Real beauty has no boundaries’.
Real beauty has no boundaries’. Prajakta Mhadnak
An introspective person seeks to attain a pure state of consciousness by merging finitude in infinity and by expressing the rapture of the soul through the contemplation and adoration of beauty. In this brief interlude of time, I surrender to becoming a cog in the roadway, an insentient time traveler, a ward of eternity, a day-tripper, a nighttime dream weaver, a blip in the cosmos, a freebase glob of energy, an imaginable disk of bundled vitality that wants for nothing. Kilroy J. Oldster
Beauty surrounds us, but oftentimes it takes a person with a poetic perception, an artist’s way of looking at the world, to first notice the sublime, and then stagecraft the splendor of nature so that other people can perceive their synoptic vision. The spirit and aesthetic intention behind the work is what assigns the work its artistic quality. Great works of poetry and writing, for instance, express not simply a criticism of life, but also encompass a philosophy for living. Kilroy J. Oldster
Never miss an opportunity of noticing anything of beauty ...
Never miss an opportunity of noticing anything of beauty ... Ralph Waldo Emerson
Nature is cruel. Isn't that right, Daddy? Every living thing...
Nature is cruel. Isn't that right, Daddy? Every living thing has to die. And they're still beautiful. Now they'll stay that way. Kate Morton
Nature never taught me that there exists a God of...
Nature never taught me that there exists a God of glory and of infinite majesty. I had to learn that in other ways. But nature gave the word "glory" a meaning for me. C.s. Lewis
Nature has two powers: Her own physical power and the...
Nature has two powers: Her own physical power and the spiritual power of her beauty! Mehmet Murat Ildan
When the sunlight hit the trees, all the beauty and wonder come together. Soul unfolds its petals. Flowering and fruiting of plants starts. The birds song light up the spinal column and harmonize the hippocampal functioning. Amit Ray
Every day is an opportunity to stand in awe when witnessing the overpowering presence of nature, an apt time to pay reverence for the inestimable beauty of life. I must remain mindful to live in an ethical manner by paying attention to the threat of injustice towards other people and resist capitulating to the absurdity of being a finite body born into infinite space and time. I am part of the world, a spar in a sacred composition, a body of energy suspended in the cosmos. I seek to create a poetic personal testament to life. When I pivot and turn away from fixating upon the cruel artifices of my encysted orbit to face and outwardly embrace the cleansing swirl of heaven’s windmill, I feel gusting in the shank of my marrow the thump of onrushing primordial truths, the electric flush of those ineffable couplets of life that one may not utter. Kilroy J. Oldster
Everything was glowing and shining, and she herself was flying inside that glow. She could do anything. Be anything. C.D. Bell
Beauty is the moment when time vanishes. Beauty is the...
Beauty is the moment when time vanishes. Beauty is the space where eternity arises. Amit Ray
Talented writers etched the story detailing the travails of broken souls numerous times. The poets recounted an equal amount of times the lucent tears of human laughter and weeping sorrow. Everyone understands bitterness and joy. Conversely, the most evocative aspects of human beings, the bewildering clarification of their ambiguous natures, are virtually indefinable and therefore unutterable. Written testaments to love, truth, beauty, and adoration of nature are inherently weak because words fail to convey what a person experiences inside the spaces that compose their chemical field. Kilroy J. Oldster
If you love a tree you will be more beautiful...
If you love a tree you will be more beautiful than before! Amit Ray
No living thing is ugly in this world. Even a...
No living thing is ugly in this world. Even a tarantula considers itself beautiful Munia Khan
The world is unbearably ugly when beauty is judged purely...
The world is unbearably ugly when beauty is judged purely by what is seen on the outside. Sarah Brownlee
What common people call beauty is essentially nature. The moment...
What common people call beauty is essentially nature. The moment nature abandons you, your beauty is lost forever. Anuradha Bhattacharyya
On one part of the footpath where a thin trickle of water from a small spring kept it damp, I found … a swarm of … small, blue butterflies drinking the water. … I only went that way on sunny days and each time the dense, blue swarm was there, and each time it was a holiday. Hermann Hesse
Beauty is like the storm. Beauty has its natural motions....
Beauty is like the storm. Beauty has its natural motions. A calmness of spirit signals its arrival. Its departure is marked by misery. Anuradha Bhattacharyya
Beauty is discernible in your fleeting moments. When you talk; in a smile or a blink of your eye; beauty is discernible. I can feel it in the skin of your nape when I kiss it. You must know how to preserve it for a long time; I do not know how long that would be possible. Many things may change. Many new things may meet your eyes, allure you; you may be corrupted by them. Then? What will you do then? All that has made you beautiful will be gone…. Anuradha Bhattacharyya
I love the arrival of a new season – each one bringing with it its own emotion: spring is full of hope; summer is freedom; autumn is a colourful release, and winter brings an enchanting peace. It's hard to pick which one I enjoy the most – each time the new one arrives, I remember its beauty and forget the previous one whose qualities have started to dim. Giovanna Fletcher
It is true that nothing here makes any sense, but this is no great misfortune; I learned from the islanders that sense is not of any particular importance, that its presence may even disrupt the clean lines of certain pictures and cast a cloud over their fine light, while laments on the absurdity of being struck me as self-indulgent and objectionable even before my stay on the island. Once you get a little used to a terrain cleansed of sense, you realize that there is amusement enough to be had here, and that only in its emptiness can the magic crystals of beauty originate. And in this space something is revealed: the silent dignity of people, animals, plants and objects, that is able to stir graciousness, compassion and reverence. Michal Ajvaz
Conscious breathing is the best antidote to stress, anxiety and...
Conscious breathing is the best antidote to stress, anxiety and depression. Amit Ray
Ha! spring arrived on her sweet scented palanquin, carried by the spirited Zephyrus and his coir with their murmuring music undulated in its own softness and fondled the leaves to astir. Nithin Purple
Old-growth forests met no needs. They simply were, in a way that bore no questions about purpose or value. They could not be created by men. They could not even be understood by men. They had too many parts that were interconnected in too many ways. Change one part and everything else would change, but in ways that were unpredictable and often inexplicable. This unpredictability removed such forests from the realm of human perspectives and values. The forest did not need to justify or explain itself. It existed outside of instrumental human considerations. Steve Olson
You are only as beautiful as your last action ... Stephen Richards
When nature suffers because it is destroyed by human activities, the notion of beauty is really losing its meaning, because nothing is more aesthetic than the natural beauty. Marieta Maglas
Explore the wonders of different shades of colours. It is purely lovely. Lailah Gifty Akita
The graceful wings of a dove lead to the endless imagination in a dream wings of pain. Auliq Ice
Moon is the light from a lantern in heaven Munia Khan
With its leaves so rich and heavy with elation and its crimson face made brighter with visions of divinity the shadow of a certain rose looks just like an angel eating light. Aberjhani
We must experience Heaven on earth; May your homes, surroundings and work places portray a safe clean environment. Lailah Gifty Akita
The disappearance of the presence of beauty is the most despairing of events on this time-wheel of ours that rolls onward towards death. Roman Payne
Dare to explore the beautiful places of the world. Lailah Gifty Akita
Beauty is wasted on the self-absorbed. Lorii Myers
I am too rich already, for my eyes mint Mervyn Peake
I watched the moon alone, unable to share his cold beauty with anyone. Haruki Murakami
Every man ought to plant a tree. Lailah Gifty Akita
I love the different shades of colours. Purely beautiful! Lailah Gifty Akita
Is there not glory enough in living the days given to us? You should know there is adventure in simply being among those we love and the things we love, and beauty too. Lloyd Alexander
Enlightenment is the transforming process that makes one kind, happy, and compassionate to the world. Enlightenment is bringing greatness in our ordinary life. Enlightenment is bringing beauty in our words, actions, breath and thoughts. Enlightenment is unfolding our true divinity. Enlightenment is bringing sweetness in our relationships. Enlightenment is making friendship with the whole existence. Enlightenment is making the whole existence as the center of our heart. . Amit Ray
I sat up in the strange bed fearing it had been a dream, afraid I would never see her again. Not because I wanted anything from her, only her presence. The disappearance of the presence of beauty is the most despairing of events on this time-wheel of ours that rolls onward towards death. Roman Payne
To appreciate beauty is to experience humility-- to recognize that something larger and more powerful than oneself is at work in the environment. And humility, it turns out, is key to recognizing that in order to survive, you must adapt yourself to the environment, that it won't adapt to your needs. Daniel James Brown
Treasure the beauty of youthful life and the wisdom of adulthood. Lailah Gifty Akita
I am the eye that beholds... And I am the dreamer that paints the stars in the night sky... For I am the one they call artist, and you call Love. Solange Nicole
The moon can never breathe, but it can take our breath away with the beauty of its cold, arid orb. Munia Khan
...knowing too that [the sky] was just a kind of rainbow made it glorious. A rainbow that was blue everywhere and covered everything. Kim Stanley Robinson