4 Quotes About Bad Dream

While bad dreams are usually associated with nightmares, they can be just as frightening when they happen during the night. Sometimes you’re so tired that you can’t help but fall asleep, and sometimes you can’t shake a bad dream out of your head. Sometimes you want to sleep, but find yourself wide awake with the same nightmare over and over again. It’s especially frustrating when you know that something is making you anxious or disturbing you, yet you can’t pinpoint what it is Read more

These bad-dream quotes are here to help you make sense of your dreams and get some sleep tonight.

Some situations are just like bad dreams, they're only unbearable...
Some situations are just like bad dreams, they're only unbearable while we're giving them our full attention. Curtis Tyrone Jones
Even though it’s pleasing to boast about achievements I have earned in my generation, nothing makes me more content in the world than just having the exciting opportunity to share my passion of work with the public. What is even more exhilarating, is being able (having the capability) to spend quality time with my loving wife, (Gloria) and family doing what I love most in the world -- writing. Their total well-being and health, along with my health too means everything to me. I have had my fair share of narrow escapes in my life to know how important my family, and health are to me. I will never take that for granted again — ever. Chris Mentillo
It's because the door hasn't been closed yet that the nightmares still find their way in. Joyce Rachelle