8 Quotes About Age Difference

The most obvious difference between the two of you is your age. As you grow older, your interests and values may change, too. It’s important to keep that in mind when you’re working together. You’ll find that even though you’re both getting older, you still have the same values and want the same things out of life Read more

These quotes about age-difference will help you maintain an understanding of your roles as a couple as you both grow older.

MISUNDERSTANDING" arises only when you see the things with Closed Eyes Abhysheq Shukla
No one made sense of the love they shared. They didn't get the hang of it either. But together, the clocks of winter stopped.. And autumn's fallen leaves turned, swiftly, scarlet. Malak El Halabi
V’s reference to his age, specifically the difference between them, only pissed Zane off more. He hated that she used that as an excuse. She’d tried it one other time, and if he remembered correctly, she’d been sprawled out beneath him in ten seconds flat, begging him to let her come. Nicole Edwards
I am life, ’ the girl said.‘ What?’ he said, startled.‘ To you, I am life. What are you, thirty-eight? Forty? What have you learned? Have you done anything? Look at me, look. I’m life and when you’re done with me, some of it rubs off on you. You don’t feel so old now, do you? With me here in the squib beside you.’ Nick said, ‘I’m thirty-four and I don’t feel old. As a matter of fact, sitting here with you makes me feel older, not younger. Nothing is rubbing off.’‘ It will, ’ she said. Philip K. Dick
AGE DIFFERENCEWhat if I told you that one day you will meet a girl who is unlike anyone else you've known. She will know all the right things to say, what makes you laugh, what turns you on, what drives you wild and best of all, you will do for her exactly what she does for you." When will I meet her?" Well let's put it this way, she doesn't even exist yet. Lang Leav
She started dialing his cell, then hung up and tried the landline -- maybe Margaret was a better bet to pick up; their parents' generation still felt morally obligated to answer phones. Rainbow Rowell
In short, I ran away. I was about to fall in love. Aside from being opposed to getting involved with a guy, I'm a dried-up old man, just like he said. He's too dazzling to be with me. He's beyond me. Kou Yoneda