Quotes From "The Red House" By Mark Haddon

Melissa popped open the clattery little Rotring tin. Pencils, putty rubber, scalpel. She sharpened a 3B, letting the curly shavings fall into the wicker bin, then paused for a few seconds, finding a little place of stillness before starting to draw the flowers. Art didn't count at school because it didn't get you into law or banking or medicine. It was just a fluffy thing stuck to the side of Design and Technology, a free A level for kids who could do it, like a second language, but she loved charcoal and really good gouache, she loved rolling sticky black ink on to a lino plate and heaving on the big black arm of the Cope press, the quiet and those big white walls. Mark Haddon
Water purling between the rocks, weed under the surface like green hair in the wind. Mark Haddon
Maybe it was the heart which punished one with such exquisite accuracy. Mark Haddon
...companionship refused is worse than loneliness. Mark Haddon