Quotes From "The Miraculous Journey Of Edward Tulane" By Kate Dicamillo

Normally, Edward would have found intrusive, clingy behavior of this sort very annoying, but there was something about Sarah Ruth. He wanted to take care of her. He wanted to protect her. He wanted to do more for her. (page 135) Kate Dicamillo
I have been loved said Edward to the stars. Kate Dicamillo
Edward knew what it was like to say over and over again the names of those you had left behind. He knew what it was like to miss someone. And so he listened. And in his listening, his heart opened wide and then wider still. (page 103) Kate Dicamillo
It is a horrible, terrible thing, the worst thing, to watch somebody you love die right in front of you and not be able to do nothing about it. Kate Dicamillo
He was agitated for some reason that he could not name. (page 35) Kate Dicamillo
And Edward was surprised to discover that he was listening. Before, when Abilene had talked to him, everything had seemed so boring, so pointless. But now, the stories Nellie told struck him as the most important thing in the world and he listened as if his life depended on what she said." (page 69) Kate Dicamillo