Quotes From "The Dalai Lamas Cat" By David Michie

There's nothing like a good, long sleep to allow unpleasantness to recede into the past. David Michie
In Buddhism we also interprete Dharma to mean 'cessation, ' as in the end of dissatisfaction, the end of dukkha. This is the purpose of Buddha's teachings. David Michie
In Buddhism we would say that you are lazy... Despising yourself, thinking you are no good, saying 'I can't do this.' This is the mind of weakness. You must work to overcome it . David Michie
As much as possible, it is useful to think of all other beings as being just like me. Every living being strives for happiness. Every being wants to avoid all forms of suffering. They are not just objects or things to be used for our benefit. You know, Mahatma Gandhi once said: 'The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. David Michie
You know, Professor, this stray kitten and you have one very important thing in common.'' I can't imagine, ' responded the professor coolly.' Your life is the most important thing in the world to you, ' said His Holiness. 'Same for this kitten. David Michie
Surely you're not saying that the life of a human and the life of an animal are of the same value?' he ven David Michie
There's no thrilling anticipation of the day's first cup of coffee...nor the eye-closing delight of that first swallow of sauvignon blanc in the evening. We cats have no access to everyday mood-enhancing substances. Apart from humble catnip, there is no pharmaceutical refuge if we're suffering from boredom, depression, existential crisis, or even an everyday headache. David Michie
I didn't know you had a cat! ' she excl David Michie