Quotes From "Salute The Dark" By Adrian Tchaikovsky

All things die, ' she told him. Such a truism, it was the trite utterance of any street-corner philosopher, but coming from Inaspe Raimm it sounded different. 'All things reach the end of their journey, be they trees, insects, people or even principalities. All things die so that others may take their place. To die is no tragedy. The tragedy is dying with a purpose unfulfilled. Adrian Tchaikovsky
I cannot hope to make you understand how the world is truly made, ' he told her. 'Metaphor, then: the world is a weave, like threads woven into cloth.' His hand came out of his sleeve with a strip of his red ribbon.' If you sa Adrian Tchaikovsky
Honour was like a coat: sometimes one did not have time to put it on. Adrian Tchaikovsky