60 Quotes About Internet Etiquette

Internet etiquette is a bit more complicated than what we’re used to. With people and companies posting more and more on the web, it’s important to be careful and respectful of others and their privacy. As these internet etiquettes will show you, being a good citizen online is critical to our success as a global community.

A fundamental approach to life transformation is using social media for therapy; it forces you to have an opinion, provides intellectual stimulation, increases awareness, boosts self-confidence, and offers the possibility of hope. Germany Kent
Tweet others the way you want to be tweeted.
Tweet others the way you want to be tweeted. Germany Kent
Tweet others the way you want to want to be...
Tweet others the way you want to want to be tweeted. Germany Kent
Freedom of Speech doesn't justify online bullying. Words have power,...
Freedom of Speech doesn't justify online bullying. Words have power, be careful how you use them. Germany Kent
Don't promote negativity online and expect people to treat you...
Don't promote negativity online and expect people to treat you with positivity in person. Germany Kent
Speak with caution. Even if someone forgives harsh words you've...
Speak with caution. Even if someone forgives harsh words you've spoken, they may be too hurt to ever forget them. Don't leave a legacy of pain and regret of things you never should have said. Germany Kent
We all have a responsibility with the words we post...
We all have a responsibility with the words we post on the internet. If you wouldn't want your mother, daughter, sister or friend to read it, don't post it. Germany Kent
Netiquette is overdelicate because kids use the internet. Adult content forms are triplicate, ASL. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
Solution - A method of fixing a problem or situation. Solution is a positive Netiquette Word. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
Netiquette Positive Word of The Day: Able - having skill to do something. Intelligence is a synonym. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
Teamwork is good netiquette. All good users can work together to accomplish goals. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
It's proper netiquette to add suggested friends to your social media accounts. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
E-Commerce makes it easy to spend money. Netiquette makes you aware hidden fees. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
Netiquette makes being a 'goody goody' online cool for everyone because we all have to get along. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
Checking in on what our kids are doing online isn't helicoptering, it's parenting. Galit Breen
The absolute best way to raise kind kids, is to be kind parents. Galit Breen
Checking in on what our kids are doing online isn't 'helicoptering, ' it's 'parenting. Galit Breen
To teach our kids what they need to know online, we have to talk to them off line. Galit Breen
Use social media for good and lift others up, not tear them down. Stay on the high road. Keep your peace. Germany Kent
It is proper Netiquette to post pictures with status updates to make them more engaging. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
Doing good makes you great. Bad things take away from good ones. Practicing Netiquette is all good. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
Netiquette starts at home. Family values are a good frame of reference for netiquette rules. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
Netiquette Positive Word of The Day: Beautiful - Highly appealing to the senses and mind. NetworkEtiqeutte.net David Chiles
If your happy and you know it a smiley face will surely show it : ) Netiquette by NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
What you post online speaks VOLUME about who you really are. POST with intention. REPOST with caution. Germany Kent
It's proper netiquette to send a lot of messages to matches on internet dating websites. NetworkEtiquette.net David Paul Chiles
Right and wrong applies to internet interaction. It's #Netiquette. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
Good intentions are good netiquette. A conscious effort to be nice others on the internet. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
Freedom of Speech has become Freedom of Stupidity on the internet. Some ignominious users should not be given a voice to comment at all. Michael P. Naughton
It's good netiquette to avoid information that offends or challenge errors when confronted. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
Pay it forward with free compliments. They are returned in due time. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
Doing the right thing irl (in real life) or online is good netiquette, but it is not always easy. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
Being on Facebook too much in a row is like playing chess in a black hole. You never know if the next move will lead you to a checkmate or a mate checked. Ana Claudia Antunes
The internet is bringing our collective conscious together by showing the good and bad in humanity. Good Netiquette is the outcome. David Chiles
Updates are low quality if we lose more contacts than we gain. It's over posting if all we get is exposure. David Chiles
It didn't happen without a selfie. It's good Netiquette to take safe pictures of thy self at events. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
The Social Networking Netiquette Loop: Read, share, like, and repeat. David Chiles
Like, love, follow, friend, and share positive content for good Netiquette. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
The best opportunities to be nice to others come in the face of adversity. Kindness wins. Reciprocity rules. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
Making your own Netiquette is advanced internet use, but it's not that hard. It's all good. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
It is proper netiquette to refrain from asking others online about things that make them uncomfortable. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
Facebook Fun is refined. Reader reviews are rewarding on Goodreads. Retweets are readily available for Twitter teasing. Stay within the Netiquette. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
Use Discretion: It is proper netiquette to use discretion, best behavior, in all online activity. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
It is proper netiquette to refrain from using all capital letters in internet correspondence. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
Stay cool is the netiquette rule, if flamed. Responding is for a fool. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
It is proper netiquette to invite new friends in real life to connect with you on the internet. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
It is proper #netiquette to be conservative in messages you send and liberal in messages you receive. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
Use Secure Sites: It is proper netiquette to use secure websites whenever possible. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
Giving posts a second look makes them twice as good. It's good netiquette. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
Good updates are nice, as a matter of netiquette. Bad ones are negative. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
It is proper ‎Netiquette to watch television online via native ‎app when using ‪mobile. David Chiles
It is proper Netiquette to contribute free resources to the internet, share. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
It's proper Netiquette to protect data with passwords. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
The internet makes every online action memorable. Practice proper Netiquette for good memories. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
It's good netiquette to judge others by the the intent of their words not content of characters. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
The internet changed the world with data. Netiquette is making it a better place with information. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
Smartphones control us with assistance Netiquette provides guidelines for right and wrong. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
It's proper Netiquette to view in- App webpages in a mobile browser for better security. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles
It's proper netiquette to power on your smartphone (mobile) to go through metal detectors. NetworkEtiquette.net David Chiles