Quotes From "Reawakened" By Odette Beane

But doesn't love cause too much pain?" she said. "To be worth it?" "It causes pain, indeed, " Grumpy said. "But it's worth it. It's a good pain. Odette Beane
Believe in yourself. That's real magic. Odette Beane
I reached for her through the darkness, but she was gone. Like dominoes folding over, the rest of the mirrors collapsed down on top of me. The impact caused the world around me to vanish. Ada Adams
I'd waited so long for his kiss, and it was so much more, so much better than I had dared imagine. Golden sunshine burst behind my closed eyelids as I became a being entwined with the sun. His hands pulled me against his body and I melted into him, my limbs tingling and warm. Amon's mouth moved over mine, slowly, like he could make the kiss last forever. Colleen Houck
A desert lily need not turn jealous eyes toward the common violet. Colleen Houck
If I had to, I was going to rip every inch of me open, give him as much blood as he needed to survive. Ada Adams