Quotes From "Out Of The Dust" By Karen Hesse

The way I see it, hard times aren't only about...
The way I see it, hard times aren't only about money, or drought, or dust. Hard times are about losing spirit, and hope, and what happens when dreams dry up. Karen Hesse
I turn my back on him as he goes, and settle myself in the parlor, and touch Ma's piano. My fingers leave sighsin the dust. Karen Hesse
When I rode the train west, I went looking for something, but I didn't see anything wonderful. I didn't see anything better than what I already had. Home. Karen Hesse
...the morning with the whole day waiting, full of promise, the nightof quiet, of no expectations, of rest. And the certainty of home, the one I live in, and the onethat lives in me. Karen Hesse