28 Quotes About Cycle

Everyone’s life is shaped by the things they experience throughout their journey. There are so many events, people, and experiences that can affect us, but we can choose how we respond to them. We often think that the experiences that happen to us are beyond our control, but many of our lessons come from our own choices. Life has its ups and downs, but the only thing that’s constant is change itself Read more

Whether you’re trying to find balance or embrace change, these quotes will help you realize you’re not stuck in the same rut forever.

A lot of the situations that we put ourselves in are similar to a cat in a yard full of dogs. We rarely ask ourselves how we got here, (which doesn’t help with the question of how we get out of here), all of which rarely keeps us from finding ourselves in the next yard asking the same questions. Craig D. Lounsbrough
Everyone smiles in the same language, Happiness knows no frontiers,...
Everyone smiles in the same language, Happiness knows no frontiers, no age. No difference thar makes us feel apart if a smile can win even a broken heart. Ana Claudia Antunes
Everything turns in circles and spirals with the cosmic heart until infinity. Everything has a vibration that spirals inward or outward – and everything turns together in the same direction at the same time. This vibration keeps going: it becomes born and expands or closes and destructs – only to repeat the cycle again in opposite current. Like a lotus, it opens or closes, dies and is born again. Such is also the story of the sun and moon, of me and you. Nothing truly dies. All energy simply transforms. . Suzy Kassem
So one must be resigned to being a clock that measures the passage of time, now out of order, now repaired, and whose mechanism generates despair and love as soon as its maker sets it going? Are we to grow used to the idea that every man relives ancient torments, which are all the more profound because they grow comic with repetition? That human existence should repeat itself, well and good, but that it should repeat itself like a hackneyed tune, or a record a drunkard keeps playing as he feeds coins into the jukebox.. Unknown
CIRCLES OF LIFEEverythingTurns, Rotates, Spins, Circles, Loops, Pulsates, Resonates, AndRepeats.CirclesOf life, Born from Pulses Of light, Vibrate To Breathe, While Spiraling Outwards For Infinity Through The lens Of time, And into A sea Of stars And Lucid Dreams. Poetry by Suzy Kassem Suzy Kassem
If it weren’t for her setting me free, I may...
If it weren’t for her setting me free, I may still be a caged bird today, holding my own daughter captive on a shit-laden perch. Raquel Cepeda
Through knowledge we gain power over our lives. With options...
Through knowledge we gain power over our lives. With options we have possibility. With acceptance we find a new freedom. Lucy H. Pearce
At her first bleeding a woman meets her power. During...
At her first bleeding a woman meets her power. During her bleeding years she practices it. At menopause she becomes it. Traditional Native American saying Lucy H. Pearce
One age ends, and another begins. It is the way...
One age ends, and another begins. It is the way of things. But, it doesn't happen all at once. Derek Donais
It's all a series of serendipities with no beginnings and...
It's all a series of serendipities with no beginnings and no ends. Such infinitesimal possibilities Through which love transcends. Ana Claudia Antunes
As humanity progresses its technology on a global level, the observed degradation of natural processes and growth cycles are the alarm systems that nature uses to alert us that some of this progress is biologically toxic. Steven Magee
In a natural environment, nature controls the breeding cycles. In the man-made environment, abnormal environmental conditions control the unnatural breeding cycles. Steven Magee
And though our roots belong to the same tree, our branches have grown in different directions. Suzy Kassem
Sexual frenzy is our compensation for the tedious moments we must suffer in the passage of life. 'Nothing in excess, ' professed the ancient Greeks. Why if I spend half the month in healthy scholarship and pleasant sleep, shouldn't I be allowed the other half to howl at the moon and pillage the groins of Europe's great beauties? Roman Payne
You say that this society will come to an end, because societies always have done so. I wonder whether they have ended because they were not really societies at all. Idries Shah
What begins at the water shall end there, and what ends there shall once more begin. Words are a gift to the dead and a warning to the living. Doug Dorst
My hand-stitched wings itchto take flightto test the winds of changethat inevitably blow at the end of a cycle. B.G. Bowers
Life is a repeated cycle of getting lost and then finding yourself again. There are many smaller cycles within that cycle where you get lost to a smaller degree and then remember yourself again. Sometimes you do it to yourself on purpose, consciously or unconsciously. Every time you get lost it is so that you can learn something or experience something from a different perspective. Jay Woodman
The ceremonies that persist–birthdays, weddings, funerals– focus only on ourselves, marking rites of personal transition. […]We know how to carry out this rite for each other and we do it well. But imagine standing by the river, flooded with those same feelings as the Salmon march into the auditorium of their estuary. Rise in their honor, thank them for all the ways they have enriched our lives, sing to honor their hard work and accomplishments against all odds, tell them they are our hope for the future, encourage them to go off into the world to grow, and pray that they will come home. Then the feasting begins. Can we extend our bonds of celebration and support from our own species to the others who need us? Many indigenous traditions still recognize the place of ceremony and often focus their celebrations on other species and events in the cycle of the seasons. In a colonist society the ceremonies that endure are not about land; they’re about family and culture, values that are transportable from the old country. Ceremonies for the land no doubt existed there, but it seems they did not survive emigration in any substantial way. I think there is wisdom in regenerating them here, as a means to form bonds with this land. Robin Wall Kimmerer
Regular crises perpetuate the past by reinvigorating cycles which started long ago. In contrast, (capital-C) Crises are the past's death knell. They function like laboratories in which the future is incubated. They have given us agriculture and the industrial revolution, technology and the labour contract, killer germs and antibiotics. Once they strike, the past ceases to be a reliable predictor of the future and a brave new world is born. Yanis Varoufakis
One of the problems with climate change, global warming and global air pollution is that it may change the frequency and intensity of electrical storm activity. Too much lightning activity may cause excessive mating, aggression, fatigue, illness and disease to occur. Too little may turn off the animal and plant breeding cycles. Steven Magee
Once we start to work with Feminine power we begin to see that it is not our minds that are in control of this power — it ebbs and flows with the movements of the planets, the procession of the seasons, the moons and tides, our own internal cycles of menstruality, anniversaries, the events around us. All these and more impact our experience and expressions of power. We learn to become aware of these various patterns and their impact on us and work more consciously with rather than against or in spite of them. We learn that they are all part of the same process. We open towards the energy, rather than shut down to it. We learn to trust the flow. Lucy H. Pearce
Parts of you are phobic of anger and generally terrified and ashamed of angry dissociative parts. There is often tremendous conflict between anger-avoidant and anger-fixated parts of an individual. Thus, an internal and perpetual cycle of rage-shame-fear creates inner chaos and pain. Suzette Boon
Curiously enough, it seems that at times the spiritual side prevails, and then the materialistic side–in wave-like motions following each other..At one time the full flood of materialistic ideas prevails, and everything in this life–prosperity, the education which procures more pleasures, more food–will become glorious at first and then that will degrade and degenerate. Along with the prosperity will rise to white heat all the inborn jealousies and hatreds of the human race. Competition and merciless cruelty will be the watchword of the day. To quote a very commonplace and not very elegant English proverb, "Everyone for himself, and the devil take the hindmost", becomes the motto of the day. Then people think that the whole scheme of life is a failure. And the world would be destroyed had not spirituality come to the rescue and lent a helping hand to the sinking world. Then the world gets new hope and finds a new basis for a new building, and another wave of spirituality comes, which in time again declines. As a rule, spirituality brings a class of men who lay exclusive claim to the special powers of the world. The immediate effect of this is a reaction towards materialism, which opens the door to scores of exclusive claims, until the time comes when not only all the spiritual powers of the race, but all its material powers and privileges are centered in the hands of a very few; and these few, standing on the necks of the masses of the people, want to rule them. Then society has to help itself, and materialism comes to the rescue. . Swami Vivekananda
The equality prescribed by the Revolution is simply the weak man's revenge upon the strong; it's just what we saw in the past, but in reverse; that everyone should have his turn is only meet. And it shall be turnabout again tomorrow, for nothing in Nature is stable and the governments men direct are bound to prove as changeable and ephemeral as they. Marquis De Sade
Everything is balanced. Everything physical (matter/energy) goes back and forth in balanced circles, cycles, or the equivalent. Birth-death, old-young, big-small, strong-weak, start-stop, up-down, rich-poor, beginning-end, fast-slow, hot-cold, pain-pleasure, win-lose, day-night, full-empty, high-low, in-out, success-failure, united-divided, give-receive, creation-destruction, on-off, positive-negative, etc. Positive and negative forces moving in balance are the physical universe. . Michael Smith
There seems to be a sense of balance or equilibrium that nature attempts to achieve with the usage of cycles, leading us to the concept of self-organization and spontaneous order. Kat Lahr