Quotes From "More Than Human" By Theodore Sturgeon

Just think about it, " he said softly. "You can do practically anything. You can have practically everything. And none of it will keep you from being alone."" Shut up shut up... Everybody's alone." He nodded. "But some people learn how to live with it. Theodore Sturgeon
He slept like an animal, well and lightly, faced in the opposite direction from that of a man; for a man going to sleep is about to escape into it while animals are prepared to escape out of it. Theodore Sturgeon
Reality isn’t the most pleasant of atmospheres, Lieutenant. But we like to think we’re engineered for it. It’s a pretty fine piece of engineering, the kind an engineer can respect. Drag in an obsession and reality can’t tolerate it. Something has to give; if reality goes, your fine piece of engineering is left with nothing to operate on. Nothing it was designed to operate on. So it operates badly. So kick the obsession out; start functioning the way you were designed to function. Theodore Sturgeon