Quotes From "Marriage: Dead Or Alive" By Adolf GuggenbhuhlCraig

As soon as we confront concrete marriages with other foreign images-such as well-being, happiness, a home for children-marriage appears to be senseless, withered, moribund, and kept alive largely by a great apparatus of psychologists and marriage counselors. Marriage is dead. Long live marriage! Adolf GuggenbhuhlCraig
The central issue in the marriage is not well-being or happiness. It is, as this book has tried to demonstrate, salvation. Marriage involves not only a man and a woman who happily love each other and raise offspring together, but rather two people who are trying to individuate, to fond their soul's salvation. Adolf GuggenbhuhlCraig
We are creatures whose behavior cannot be simply explained as a striving for survival and happiness, for release of tension and contentment. Adolf GuggenbhuhlCraig
Marriage is one salvation pathway among many, although it contains different possibilities. Adolf GuggenbhuhlCraig