Quotes From "Its A Magical World: A Calvin And Hobbes Collection" By Bill Watterson

In the short term, it would make me happy to go play outside. In the long term, it would make me happier to do well at school and become successful. But in the VERY long term, I know which will make better memories. Bill Watterson
I hate to think that all my current experiences will...
I hate to think that all my current experiences will someday become stories with no point. Bill Watterson
The secret to enjoying your job is to have a...
The secret to enjoying your job is to have a hobby that's even worse Bill Watterson
When a person pauses in mid-sentence to choose a word, that's the best time to jump in and change the subject! It's like an interception in football! You grab the others guy's idea and run the opposite way with it! The more sentences you complete, the higher your score! The idea is to block the other guy's thoughts and express your own! That's how you win! Conversations aren't contests! Ok, a point for you, but I'm still ahead. Bill Watterson
If good things lasted forever, would we appreciate how precious they are? Bill Watterson
Some people are pragmatists, taking things as they come and making the best of the choices available. Some people are idealists, standing for principle and refusing to compromise. And some people just act on any whim that enters their heads. I wonder which one YOU are. I pragmatically turn my whims into principles! Bill Watterson
Calvin: Dear Santa, before I submit life to your scrutiny, I demand to know who made YOU the matter of my fate?! Who are YOU to question my behavior, HUH??? What gives you the right?! Hobbes: Santa makes the toys, so he gets to decide who to give them to. Calvin: Oh. Bill Watterson