Quotes From "I Am" By Jean Klein

It is only through silent awareness that our physical and mental nature can change. This change is completely spontaneous. If we make an effort to change we do no more than shift our attention from one level, from one thing, to another. We remain in a vicious circle. This only transfers energy from one point to another. It still leaves us oscillating between suffering and pleasure, each leading inevitably back to the other. Only living stillness, stillness without someone trying to be still, is capable of undoing the conditioning our biologoical, emotional and psychological nature has undergone. There is no controller, no selector, no personality making choices. In choiceless living the situation is given the freedom to unfold. You do not grasp one aspect over another for there is nobody to grasp. When you understand something and live it without being stuck to the formulation, what you have understood dissolves in your openness. In this silence change takes place of its own accord, the problem is resolved and duality ends. You are left in your glory where no one has understood and nothing has been understood. . Jean Klein
If you want to experience enlightenment, take a deep breath in and relax. As you are releasing the air forget, for a moment, about all your worries and desires. Just appreciate yourself the way you are in the very moment. Then, just lighten up. Keep doing it as often as you want to experience enlightenment. That is it. Raphael Zernoff
You do not have to be so serious about everything and everyone. Trust yourself. Trust your own guidance and do not take everyone's 'interesting opinions' so personally. Raphael Zernoff
Romantic relationship is meant to be romantic, which means loving. If it is not any more you may ask yourself why you are still together. Raphael Zernoff
Illumination is remembering your identity as the eternal spirit and energy that animates all that is. Raphael Zernoff
Pushing away unwanted feelings and situations, equals inviting them to return back with a greater strength. Raphael Zernoff
We always stay on the optimal path, when we practice the power of allowance. Allow everything to happen the way it does. Respond to everything with love and understanding. Raphael Zernoff
You truly help others working on yourself. Remember that the only power you have is over your own choices. You simply have no power to choose for others unless they allow you to. Raphael Zernoff
You are the only person who can make you happy and whole. You do not have another half out there waiting to be discovered. Raphael Zernoff
Awakening is a different name for raising one's frequency. It is about becoming more aware of different perspectives, from which you may choose whatever you resonate with. Raphael Zernoff
It is much easier to focus on what you like than on what you dislike. Raphael Zernoff