Quotes From "For The Love Of A Fireman" By Vonnie Davis

Take me inside. Show me if a fireman knows how to start a fire. Vonnie Davis
Her breathing hitched and his all but seized in his lungs for the want of her, the taste of her, the feel of her under his hands. His lips whispered against the curve of hers, where her cheek ended and her very sexy mouth began. Vonnie Davis
Tell me to stop, Sugar, or I'm going to start a firestorm of emotion neither one of us will know how to handle." She smiled. "I've always loved storms." He jerked her face closer and her heart rate kicked up. "Then it's time you were introduced to a Florida hurricane. Vonnie Davis
Quick! What aisle are the douches in? I've got three bitches at the beach cottage and they all stick to high heaven.".. " You do carry Massengill, don't you? That's the best brand, according to my research." " Ah.." What kind of man researches douches? A man who goes to bed with three women.. " Would you mind checking your inventory in the back? I'll need more." " I'm not allowed to leave the register, but I'll be happy to page our stock boy." Douche-man grunted and flipped the package around. "It's gonna take at least two boxes for Loa. She's big. Got wide hips. Skinny legs, though. Kinda like a twenty-gallon tank on toothpicks. Vonnie Davis
You always were the hot head. You got a temper in you that can't be tamed, yet you also got a soft spot for stray dogs, kids in trouble and damsels in distress. See why folks label you a complex conundrum. Vonnie Davis
A smart woman knows when to listen to her man." Her man? "He is most definitely not my man. He's not my type." " Type? If he was any more your type, he'd have you sitting in his lap. Vonnie Davis
Ice Man, his friends had called him. She'd give him a different nickname, like Sex on a Stick or Horny Toad. Vonnie Davis
She tugged on his hair. "I'll have you know I'm no weakling." He grinned and kissed her forehead. "No, it takes a strong woman to kill a truck. Vonnie Davis