Quotes From "Closure Of The Helpdesk - A Geek Tragedy" By Ali Sheikh

There are two ways to ruin any chances of leading a happy life. The first is to chase a goal twenty-four hours a day, day after day, and gladly give up all the little laughs and joys that life has to offer in exchange for that ever-elusive moment of jubilation. The second way is far worse, in that it NEVER fails. You know what it is, Sam? Falling in love with someone who chases a goal twenty four hours a day. . Ali Sheikh
That’s the problem with any ‘simple truth’–it always takes a gaggle of complete idiots or a team of all-knowing geniuses to miss it. Ali Sheikh
Nothing is illegal so long as you correct it before the SEC catches it. Ali Sheikh
You know what–gyms make the largest chunk of their profit from clients who pay their monthly dues on auto-pay but never bother to show up and use the gym. The DVD-rental companies make a good chunk of their profits from late fees; the credit-card companies make a fortune on sundry fines and penalties; the airlines’ margins are highest on ticket changes and cancellations… So, the key to running a successful business in America is to sign up a customer and pray he’ll somehow screw up… . Ali Sheikh
Never lose time in sending the scapegoat to the slaughterhouse. Ali Sheikh
You know what happens at any magic show? When the magician says ‘look here, look here, ’ the audience looks only there and nowhere else. And that’s exactly what happened at the earnings conference today. Ali Sheikh
There comes a time in everyone’s life–and I do mean in everyone’s life–when you ask yourself what it is that you’ve been doing with your life. Sometimes you even realize that whatever you’ve been doing all your life, you’ve been doing it wrong. Dead wrong… Son, you want that realization to hit you when you’re 70? Or 50? Or when you’re still young, with your whole life still ahead of you? . Ali Sheikh