21 Quotes About Represent

You’ve heard them before, but have you ever wondered what they mean? Words are powerful. They can uplift us, comfort us, inspire us, or even define us. They can also tear us down. The words we say and write can shape our lives and the perceptions of others Read more

The good news is that if we choose our words carefully, they can also help to change that perception. Whether it’s about ourselves or the people around us, it’s important to choose words carefully. Check out what these represent quotes mean in today’s world about choosing your words wisely.

If it's true what is said, that only the wise...
If it's true what is said, that only the wise discover the wise, then it must also be true that the lone wolf symbolizes either the biggest fool on the planet or the biggest Einstein on the planet. Criss Jami
The only thing that comes close to defining me correctly...
The only thing that comes close to defining me correctly is my love. Kamand Kojouri
Being with you makes people desire what you represent
Being with you makes people desire what you represent Sunday Adelaja
People who represent social organization in a country are a...
People who represent social organization in a country are a force in that country Sunday Adelaja
Most politicians are corrupt as they do not represent the...
Most politicians are corrupt as they do not represent the masses that voted for them, but rather they choose to return numerous favors to the corporations that funded their election campaigns. Steven Magee
The hatred the 'Christian' right wing harbors for the SA Constitution is not htere because of an absence of 'God' in state machinery and the excised phrase 'in humble submission to almighty God' - but because it no longer places THEM in a position to claim that THEY represent the will of that 'God' and to act as though it were true. Christina Engela
Some people live disconnected, in a world of their own. Their wishful thinking represents their sole veracity. But when the mirror smashes the reflection of their delusion, it will not falter to talk back. ( "The day the mirror was talking back" ) Erik Pevernagie
People certainly will love what you write, when you represent them in your words. M.F. Moonzajer
To carry a light on Earth is to represent the Sun on earth! Mehmet Murat Ildan
I'd represent "Love" when it sued hypocritical writers for abuse. Natalya Vorobyova
Either offend or represent, don’t be a spectator. Pradeepa Pandiyan
There can be no one better than yourself, so be the best version of you because no one is born to represent another. Gift Gugu Mona
You are placed on this earth to represent God. Jim George
When I write, I try to represent the voices of people I've known who had no voice. Carla H. Krueger
Wherever you are remember that you represent Christ Sunday Adelaja
Wherever you are remember you represent Christ Sunday Adelaja
Our community deserves leaders who should know what debates and arguments are better conducted out of the public eye, instead of dumping their baskets of dirty laundry all over the internet. Our community deserves leaders who do not put political expedience or convenience before their commitments to those they supposedly represent. Our community deserves leaders who do not make about-turns on issues such as freedom of speech and accountability to the community they serve when it becomes too embarrassing for them, or too uncomfortable. Our community deserves leaders who can and want to work together, not fling their handbags at each other, hissing like drama queens. . Christina Engela
As chief, I will represent my people in many different ways and might never know which particular action is destined to matter more than another, thus, all my actions should be considered potentially important and worthy of my best effort. Jennifer FrickRuppert
Advice to intellectuals: let no-one represent you. Theodor Adorno
When you file an amicus brief, and you represent a state, the court reads your brief. It is a powerful position to make the legal assault from. Ken Cuccinelli