Quotes From "A Mad Wicked Folly" By Sharon Biggs Waller

This is why we all fight so hard. Not just for the vote, but for an equal opportunity in the world. Sharon Biggs Waller
Not at all. You look as though magic has taken hold of you. It must be magic because I don't know how you can draw like that. I can barely manage a stick figure. Sharon Biggs Waller
Without any warning, tears filled my eyes. No one had ever given me such a kind and thoughtful gift before. I pictured Will going into the shop, looking over the books, and then discovering the very one he knew I would love. I even pictured him watching as the clerk wrapped the volume in brown paper. I wondered if the clerk had tied the green bow on it or if Will had gone into a notion shop and chosen it himself. These were all small things, but kindness was built of small things. Sharon Biggs Waller
For opportunity is nothing if you don't grab it by both hands. Sharon Biggs Waller
If I’m going to be a student here, treated on equal terms, then I have to be willing to do everything that they do, ” I said. “There can’t be two sets of expectations, one for them and one for me, the only girl in the class. How will I earn their esteem if I don’t pose? Sharon Biggs Waller
I've decided that I'm going to collect as many spiders in a jar as I can and then pour them all over you, William Flecter. Seeing as how it's good to face your fears. Sharon Biggs Waller
This is why we all fight so hard. Not just for the vote, but for an equal opportunity in the world. A vote is a voice. I think you underestimate yourself, Queenie. This is your fight, same as it is mine. Sharon Biggs Waller