I'll go, " he said." And that's safer because?"" I'm a guy."" Right, and having a pair of dingle balls makes you invincible how?

Gemma Halliday
I'll go,
I'll go,
I'll go,
I'll go,
About This Quote

The concept in this quote is that having a pair of dingle balls makes a man invincible. The idea here is that a man would never be able to do any harm to another person with a pair of dingle balls. It would be impossible for a man with a pair of dingle balls to do anything bad, let alone hurt anyone. The fact that the man says he has two dingle balls makes it seem like he doesn't have any other choice, that he really does have no choice, but to go out and hurt someone.

This quote captures the idea that too often men are not given the opportunity to prove they can be more than just physically strong. Many people think of sports as being about physical strength only, but there are so many different sports out there where men can demonstrate their worthiness in any way they choose. A man could play soccer or basketball or baseball or even golf and perform at an elite level without ever getting hurt on the field.

Source: Deadly Cool

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More Quotes By Gemma Halliday
  1. I'll go, " he said." And that's safer because?"" I'm a guy."" Right, and having a pair of dingle balls makes you invincible how?

  2. That craptastical, gutless, son-of-a-cactus-humping butt monkey! !

  3. I need to be casual but not too casual. Dressy but not too dressy. I need him to think I just threw on the first thing I found and that I'm not taking this too seriously or overthinking it or even that I was thinking...

  4. I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry I lied, I like your Star Wars sheets, you're not that bad of a driver, and I swear on my Very Cherry lip gloss that I will never lie to you again.

  5. Caw! Caw, Hartley, caw! " Chase narrowed his eyes again." Sam?" I nodded. Then crossed to the window again and called down to Sam. "You can quit squawking. He caught me.

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