Every American soldier wants as much public support as he can possibly have. That's the soldiers on duty in Iraq, and that's me, as well. We fight better knowing that our people back home support us, back us, and understand what we're doing. It's hugely important.

John Abizaid
Some Similar Quotes
  1. For the two of us, home isn't a place. It is a person. And we are finally home. - Stephanie Perkins

  2. The desire to go home that is a desire to be whole, to know where you are, to be the point of intersection of all the lines drawn through all the stars, to be the constellation-maker and the center of the world, that center called... - Rebecca Solnit

  3. We leave something of ourselves behind when we leave a place, we stay there, even though we go away. And there are things in us that we can find again only by going back there. - Pascal Mercier

  4. Home wasn't a set house, or a single town on a map. It was wherever the people who loved you were, whenever you were together. Not a place, but a moment, and then another, building on each other like bricks to create a solid shelter... - Sarah Dessen

  5. A home filled with nothing but yourself. It's heavy, that lightness. It's crushing, that emptiness. - Margaret Atwood

More Quotes By John Abizaid
  1. Well, the hardest thing to do, as we know from our own experience on 9/11 is protect everything all the time.

  2. I think what actually works best is local-level individual targeting of key leadership nodes.

  3. Every American soldier wants as much public support as he can possibly have. That's the soldiers on duty in Iraq, and that's me, as well. We fight better knowing that our people back home support us, back us, and understand what we're doing. It's hugely...

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