What is Lisztomania, and how was it cured? Who was Drog, and what was his prophecy regarding Electronic Music? What preparation do you need before throwing an artistic tantrum? Which orchestral musicians are also qualified to run a hospital? The plausible answers to these and many other tantalising questions can be found in this wickedly funny — and occasionally just wicked — book. Patrick Brislan
About This Quote

This book is full of very strange facts. It is about the life of Liszt, the man who changed the world of music forever. He wrote hundreds of pieces in all styles of music. He was obsessed with the beauty in the world, and he saw beauty in everything, even in his own music.

Source: Heresies Of Music: An Az Diagnostic Guide

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More Quotes By Patrick Brislan
  1. What is Lisztomania, and how was it cured? Who was Drog, and what was his prophecy regarding Electronic Music? What preparation do you need before throwing an artistic tantrum? Which orchestral musicians are also qualified to run a hospital? The plausible answers to these and...

  2. … A wonderful collection of truths, and almost all are inconvenient’.‘… Something here to offend everyone’.‘… Everything from burlesque to parody, and with a sprinkling of serious commentary to confound the believers’. In the interest of balance however, here are some quotes from reviews which...

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