3 Quotes & Sayings By Zb Heller

Z.B. Heller is the author of several acclaimed memoirs, including the critically acclaimed A Mother's Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy; A Woman Scorned, which was selected by Oprah Winfrey as one of her all-time favorite books; and her latest release, Forgive Us Our Trespasses: A Memoir of Love and Loss. She is also the author of The Woman Who Went to Bed for a Year, a memoir about her family's life in South America after their escape from Nazi Europe. She lives in Connecticut with her three children.

I didn't want to tell him that I was so wet that Noah would have had to build an ark to avoid the flood in my pants - Moxie Z.B. Heller
Apparently, denial isn't just a river in Egypt. Z.B. Heller