4 Quotes & Sayings By Willian Chua

Willian Chua is an entrepreneur, an author, a web developer, a speaker, a consultant on business growth, technology and innovation. He has more than 20 years experience in these fields. He is also the founder of the I Know Solutions Group. His team has delivered over 400+ user-centric web solutions to industry-leading companies in Singapore and around the globe Read more

Willian has written several books on innovation and business growth.

Love is useless when the person you love don't love...
Love is useless when the person you love don't love you back Willian Chua
What is the point of learning things if you are...
What is the point of learning things if you are not even doing things? Willian Chua
People in this world are cruel, selfish and ignorant. The only way to survive is to be the good side of yourself. Willian Chua