4 Quotes & Sayings By Tonya D Floyd

Tonya D. Floyd is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Group Psychotherapist. She is also a Certified Group Life Coach (CGLC) and as such has completed the rigorous training and certification process to become an Independent Administrator for this specific specialization. She has been practicing as a counselor for over twenty years and as an educator for over fifteen years Read more

Tonya lives in Atlanta, GA with her husband and two children and helps people throughout the world (and especially those recovering from traumatic experiences) find their way back to wholeness. She helps leaders and organizations develop sound policies and practices that create a safer workplace, give employees the tools to manage their own stress, and empower them to take charge of their own life so they can reach their full potential.

Love with your whole heart, and never be sorry you did.--tdf Tonya D. Floyd
One of Lyle's best assets was also his biggest downfall--he was a big dick. Tonya D. Floyd
You have to face the very thing you fear.--tdf Tonya D. Floyd