3 Quotes & Sayings By Toni Mariani

Toni Mariani is an award-winning author and journalist. Her novels include the bestselling "Ex-Biker" series, written under the name Toni Blake, and her new novels "Frozen in Time," "Whiskey Red," and "Love Letters," set in Virginia, and New York City during the 1920s and 1930s.

From my new release Cry for MeThis is Mrs. Hazelton speaking to Maria"...emotions have no color, no culture, knows no prejudice and can hardly be controlled, so in trying to raise children we need all the help and resources available to us .. . Toni Mariani
From my new release, Cry for Me.This is Bryen talking." Stop it, T! I knew; my God I predicted you would do this! Start blaming yourself for the sins of my sick brother. He's left a stench of rottenness from here to Illinois! Toni Mariani