6 Quotes & Sayings By Tomichan Matheikal

Tomichan Matheikal (born on November 14, 1923) is a Sri Lankan author, historian and newspaper columnist. He was awarded the highest civilian award by President Chandrika Kumaratunga in 1995. He is the winner of the "Best Book on Sri Lanka Award" of 1989 by International Press Institute (IPI) and the "Lifetime Achievement Award" of the World Tamil Forum (WTF) in 2000.

History is replete with blunders written by sycophants. Tomichan Matheikal
Any fool with ambition and heartlessness can be a ruler. Tomichan Matheikal
The cosmos does not require God, Laplace said to himself. But Emperors require Him. All those who seek to subjugate human beings in one form or another require Him. Science does not need God. Tomichan Matheikal
Satan’s inquisitiveness would eventually be inherited by the offspring of Adam and Eve. The inquisitiveness was the original sin. Tomichan Matheikal
What slave work do you want me to do for you?” asked Diogenes when he had been bought.“ Be a teacher to my children, ” answered Xeniades with the insanity that matched the wisdom of Diogenes. Tomichan Matheikal