6 Quotes & Sayings By Tom Araya

From May 1970 to September 1971, Tom played drums in Black Flag, replacing Ron Reyes after he left in April 1970.

As far as thinking about death and murder and various ways of killing people and how people die... I probably have the most twisted mind in Slayer. Tom Araya
That was the reasoning behind learning to play bass, and then after that it was more like it was neat to play songs together - for me to play bass and for him to play guitar. Tom Araya
I was born and raised Catholic, so it's in my blood. I don't go to church... I was born and raised Catholic, which is about the extent of my religion. My parents made one request: that I have my first Holy Communion. Tom Araya
When I do interviews, I enter them with an open mind and try to answer the questions the best I can. Tom Araya
I follow politics, but I don't like to discuss it. Tom Araya