9 Quotes & Sayings By Sue Whitaker

Sue Whitaker is a well-known and highly successful author of inspirational books. You can find Sue's books in many places, including Barnes & Noble, Borders, Bed Bath & Beyond, and others. She has written a wide variety of books, including personal development books, life-coaching books, self-help books, relationship books, book club discussions, and parenting books. Sue's books have been featured on many talk shows and been reviewed by major publications such as the New York Times' Sunday Magazine Read more

She is a regular contributor to Self Magazine and The Huffington Post. In addition to writing for other authors, Sue also writes for herself because she says she can't walk away from a good story. Sue lives in Tampa with her husband and two children.

I wished that I had died, it would have been better for everyone Sue Whitaker
I didn't feel very lucky. Why me, I kept asking myself. Why had this happened to me? Sue Whitaker
I would need an awful lot of willpower to fight my way through the ups and downs of the road to recovery, and there might be times when I may feel a bit down and depressed, but there would be counsellors that I could talk to about how I was feeling. Sue Whitaker
I was extremely worried. What would happen to me now that they knew that I had lost my mind? Would they put me in a padded cell and feed me through a hatch door? Would I end up in one of those places that you hear about, where people go in but never come out? Sue Whitaker
My brain refused to move past the pain, as if it had been filled to the max and needed to be emptied. Sue Whitaker
I tried to fight the panic and force it back down to where it had come from. Sue Whitaker
I thought doctors were supposed to make you better not worse! Sue Whitaker
I was trying to work out who I was. Sue Whitaker