6 Quotes & Sayings By Steve Vai

Steve Vai is one of the most respected guitar players in the world. He has earned six Grammy nominations, two American Music Awards, and an MTV video music award. He has sold more than 20 million records worldwide, and he has played with some of the world's greatest musicians including Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, David Lee Roth, Dweezil Zappa, Michael Angelo Batio, Steve Lukather, Steve Morse, Rick Van Zandt, Tommy Shaw, Dave LaRue, Geddy Lee of Rush and Billy Sheehan.

Along with its enchanting and exquisite melodies, West Side Story has attitude and a tremendous amount of frenetic energy. It's emotional, theatrical and technical. It's everything. Steve Vai
I didn't have any aspirations of becoming famous or successful; in fact I was scared to death of all that. I remember somebody once said that if a rock musician goes on tour, he goes insane. I was very impressionable and I carried this useless weight of fear around with me about going on tour, all because of this thing somebody said. Steve Vai
I'm always pursuing knowledge I'm a seeker of spiritual equilibrium - and music is a big part of that. Steve Vai
Possessing a healthy imagination is a necessary ingredient for creativity. Steve Vai
We have the insight and the tools to identify and bring to fruition the dormant talent that our artists possess. Favored Nations will be branded as the home base for inspired musical talent. Steve Vai