4 Quotes & Sayings By Stephen Breyer

Stephen Breyer is a member of the Supreme Court of the United States. He was appointed by President Bill Clinton on September 29, 1994, to fill the vacancy caused by the retirement of Justice Harry Blackmun. Justice Breyer was elevated from being a United States District Judge on October 9, 1978, to being a United States Appeals Court Judge on January 4, 1980. He served as a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit until his appointment to the Supreme Court of the United States Read more

On July 30, 1994, he was nominated by President Bill Clinton to fill the vacancy created by Justice Byron White's resignation from the Supreme Court. In keeping with tradition, Justice Breyer is assigned to be part of the majority in all cases where the court is divided 5-4.

Independence means you decide according to the law and the facts. Stephen Breyer
Independence doesn't mean you decide the way you want. Stephen Breyer
I mean those people who are interested in good government will certainly contribute in order to make certain there's some counter-balance to those whose interests in good government is less. Stephen Breyer