4 Quotes & Sayings By Sonya Huber

Sonya Huber was born in Toronto, Canada to a German mother and an American father. She grew up in Buffalo, NY where she graduated from Canisius High School. Before graduating from the University of Toronto's law school, Sonya began her legal career as a journalist. She then worked for the U.S Read more

government in Washington, D.C. dealing with international law enforcement issues until she returned to Canada in 1992. Sonya is currently based in Toronto where she practices criminal law at the firm of King & Bereskin, LLP.

She is also a founding member of the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF), an organization committed to improving women’s legal rights and advancing women’s equality worldwide.

I will be living with chronic pain for the rest of my life. I don’t have the mobility, energy or life options I used to have. I work hard to manage the pain, and I want the medical system to be a respectful and effective partner, not a jailer. The opioid crisis is not my doing. Sonya Huber
Chronic pain patients like me are not the cause of the opioid crisis; only 22% of those who misuse opioids are prescribed them by a doctor, and only 13% of ER visits for opiate overdoses were chronic pain patients. Most chronic pain patients are rule-followers who just want to function. Sonya Huber
I take opioids to treat chronic pain. Stigmatizing them will harm me. Sonya Huber