3 Quotes & Sayings By Sj Molloy

S.J. Molloy (1891-1961) was born in Northampton, England. He was educated at Cambridge University and also attended several courses in psychoanalysis under Dr. Alfred Adler and William McDougall Read more

He wrote prolifically on psychological subjects for the layman, including The Psychology of Love, The Psychology of Sex (1927), The Psychology of Achievement (1930), The Psychology of Personality (1936), and the best-selling book, Children of Lucifer (1954). He was also editor of The New Age, published by the Theosophical Society, from 1937 to 1961. The Psychology of Achievement is a modern classic that emphasizes the need to develop the ability to achieve psychic balance through self-knowledge and self-control.  The complete text can be found here .

He gives. I take. He bangs. I rock. He slams. I shatter. He throws. I push. He grinds. I buckle. He pants. I puff. He wheezes. I gasp. He growls. I scream. He f*cks me like we're porn stars. ~Lexi S.J. Molloy
O.M.G. Lucca, what are you feeding her? Everyday I look at you, and I swear those twinnes must double in size. Look at your bump in this dress, how are you managing to cart that around? Rather you than me chubby." ~Hazel S.J. Molloy