4 Quotes & Sayings By Shauna Singh Baldwin

Shauna Singh Baldwin is the author of the New York Times, USA Today, and internationally bestselling romantic comedies, starting with What She Left Behind. She is the author of the McSweeney's Book of Love (2014), which won the Independent Publisher Book Award for Best Humor Book. She lives in New York City.

Vaheguru, forgive me, but a woman must choose the wisdom of lies over the dangers of truth. Shauna Singh Baldwin
I do not need to understand words to know he is disappointed I am not a boy. Some things need no translation. And I know, because my body remembers without benefit of words, that men who do not welcome girl-babies will not treasure me as I grow to woman - though he call me princess just because the Guru told him to. I have come so far, I have borne so much pain and emptiness! But men have not yet changed. . Shauna Singh Baldwin
She leans over Roop the way Sardarji leaned over Satya the years she cried for children, brushing tears from Roop's heavy lashes with her lips. She strokes her head as a mother would, says. "Slpee little one, we are together now." And Roop sleeps, overcome by the afternoon heat. While Satya watches her. So trusting, so very stupid. Shauna Singh Baldwin