7 Quotes & Sayings By Sean Ocasey

Sean O'Casey (20 March 1896 – 26 February 1963) was an Irish playwright, poet, novelist, political activist, and Marxist. He was one of the foremost playwrights in British theatre of the 20th century. W. B Read more

Yeats called O'Casey "the best of friends, a man without envy or jealousy, without rage or malice." His plays include The Shadow of a Gunman (1923), Juno and the Paycock (1924), The Plough and the Stars (1926), The Silver Tassie (1928), and The King's Threshold (1930). He also wrote numerous short stories and essays, many of which were published in his 1937 collection of short stories entitled In the Unity.

It's my rule never to lose my temper until it would be detrimental to keep it. Sean OCasey
You cannot put a rope around the neck of an idea: you cannot put an idea up against a barrack-square wall and riddle it with bullets: you cannot confine it in the strongest prison cell that your slaves could ever build. Sean OCasey
There's no reason to bring religion into it. I think we ought to have as great a regard for religion as we can so as to keep it out of as many things as possible. Sean OCasey
I have found life an enjoyable, enchanting, active, and sometime terrifying experience, and I've enjoyed it completely. A lament in one ear, maybe, but always a song in the other. Sean OCasey
Money does not make you happy but it quiets the nerves. Sean OCasey
Wealth often takes away chances from men as well as poverty. There is none to tell the rich to go on striving, for a rich man makes the law that hallows and hollows his own life. Sean OCasey