18 Quotes & Sayings By Scott Hahn

Scott Hahn is an immensely popular American author, speaker, and musician. He has given thousands of sermons and lectures through the years, most frequently to college students. Scott's most famous book is his best-selling The Lamb's Supper (1993). His other books include Hillsong (2004), The Glory of Easter (2005), The Holy Spirit (2006), and Rescued by Grace (2007) Read more

We...sin not because we want what is evil, but because we want what isn't good enough. Scott Hahn
As we grow detached from things, we come (with God's help) to master our desires, and we give the mastery over to God. Discipline and divine grace heal the intellect and the will of the effects of concupiscence. We can begin to see things clearly. Scott Hahn
Marriage and family life give us constant opportunities to deny ourselves for the sake of others. And yet self-denial is not a mask for self-contempt, but the necessary means for achieving self-mastery; for self-mastery makes possible our self-giving and self-fulfillment. Sin is not wanting too much, but settling for too little. It's settling for self-gratification rather than self-fulfillment. Scott Hahn
We are created for the sake of love. When we experience love in family life, it is heavenly, but it is still only an image of the greater glory we hope to behold in heaven. Scott Hahn
Only when we cease to rely on our own strength can we discover that God's strength is always there for us. Scott Hahn
At the root of all misery is unfulfilled desire. Scott Hahn
Love is something worth suffering for... Scott Hahn
What's wrong with the world? It's easy to probe the ills of the nation, the Church, and the planet and come up with a grave diagnosis.. But it takes all the strength we can muster to stand at Mass and honestly say, 'I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and what I have failed to do.." Sin is not out there; it's deep inside you and me.. What's wrong with the world? I am, because I sin, and my sins well up from the darkness in my own heart. Scott Hahn
If you complain to someone, you assume that it's someone who really cares about you. Scott Hahn
[God] disciplines us for our good, that we may share His holiness. Scott Hahn
Faith and reason are indeed complementary faculties that we use to think about the truth. When any winged creature (or mechanism) tries to fly on just one wing, it falls to the ground. In a similar way, when we human beings try to wing it with just one faculty, we crash. Scott Hahn
The Church is the Body of Christ, and as such it is both heavenly and earthly. The Church is the communion of saints, and it includes as members both angels and shepherds - cherubim and seraphim, and you, and me. Scott Hahn
Down through the centuries, the Church has carefully preserved, protected, and defended its Marian teachings, because to give them up would be to give up the gospel. Scott Hahn
A covenant differs from a contract almost as much as marriage differs from prostitution. Scott Hahn
The family is the key of Christmas. Scott Hahn
To deny the force of divine judgment, then, is to make God less than God, and to make us less than His children. For every father must discipline His children, and paternal discipline is itself a mercy, a fatherly expression of love. Scott Hahn
Judgment, then, is not an impersonal, legalistic process. It is a matter of love, and it is something we choose for ourselves. Nor is punishment a vindictive act. God's "curses" are not expressions of hatred, but of fatherly love and discipline. Like medicinal ointment, they hurt in order to heal. They impose suffering that is remedial, restorative, and redemptive. God's wrath is an expression of His love for His wayward children. . Scott Hahn