3 Quotes & Sayings By Sara Gottfried

Sara Gottfried is an award-winning journalist and author of the New York Times bestseller What Should I Do With My Life? How to Make the Most of Your Time on Earth, which was named one of the top 50 books to read before you die by Oprah Winfrey. Her work has also appeared in The New Yorker, Harper's Bazaar, O Magazine, and other publications. She graduated from Brown University with a degree in history.

Deep Sleep is good for weight loss: Sleep increases glucose metabolism and is linked to better blood sugar control, boosts secretion of growth hormone, which– along with cortisol– regulates belly fat; activates cellular repair and mends injury;
normalizes cortisol levels during the day and improves memory. Sara Gottfried
Women are wired to take on others’ needs. Own your role in stress, establishing boundaries on what you can reasonably accomplish within your current bandwidth and reduce your stress load. Sara Gottfried