3 Quotes & Sayings By Robert Eliot

Robert Eliot is an author, musician, and poet. His novel "The Lions of Little Rock" was published in 2013 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. The sequel to the book, "The Lions of Little Rock: The School Board Crisis," was released in 2014. He is also the author of the poetry collections "A Thousand Abandoned Things" (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt), which won the Golden Crown Literary Award, and "The House at Riverton" (Univocal Press) Read more

He teaches in the English Department at the University of Mississippi.

If you can't fight and you can't flee flow. Robert Eliot
Rule No. i is don't sweat the small stuff. Rule No. 2 is it's all small stuff. Robert Eliot