35 Quotes About Rush

A true rush can only be described as a feeling. It’s an intense and unparalleled experience, and it can be found in all of our lives. Whether we’re out on the road, on the stage, or fighting for our life, we all have that moment that rushes through our systems and gives us a glimpse into what we truly are — humans. When we feel like we can do anything, we can do anything Read more

Let these rush quotes inspire you to push forward and reach your highest potential.

Life moves very fast. It rushes from Heaven to Hell...
Life moves very fast. It rushes from Heaven to Hell in a matter of seconds. Paulo Coelho
Get busy with the issue! In this regard, time is...
Get busy with the issue! In this regard, time is not friendly…nor should it be. T.F. Hodge
It is more important to go slow and gain the...
It is more important to go slow and gain the lessons you need along the journey then to rush the process and arrive at your destination empty. Germany Kent
To sit down means to calm down without rush and...
To sit down means to calm down without rush and fuss, stop and reflect, analyze all pros and cons, count all possible merits and faults Sunday Adelaja
Do not rush in the ride of life.
Do not rush in the ride of life. Lailah Gifty Akita
Nostalgia washes over me with tons of memors and lifetime rolled on this land. Every oblivious memory from the childhood wraps open in the fragrance of these busy roads and familiar land, long signals, irritating traffic, honking cars, rushing people, excessive pollution defining Delhi at its best. Parul Wadhwa
If the whole world is in a rush and people are out of step with themselves, they fail to catch that quirky aura and that special quality of life that feeds our soul-searching frame of mind and that builds a coveted haven, giving recognition and self-reliance. ("The unbearable heaviness of being”) Erik Pevernagie
A beautiful woman should always have at the back of her mind that her ravishing appearance is only an ephemeral quality. When she wakes up in the morning, looks into the mirror, and notices that something is fading away, she knows that the time is ripe for marriage. She should be careful of who she takes into her life because the union is gonna be everlasting. Michael Bassey Johnson
Everything she knew about him rushed through her mind like a tidal wave. Caroline Hanson
Don't rush to design your face to look beautiful, attractive and charming. Rather, be quicker to decorate your mind to appear as goal-oriented, passion-embedded and action-driven. Israelmore Ayivor
If any woman opens her legs for you, don't feel so lucky to be fed with nonsense, she has been a bitch for a long time, and now its your own turn to get a share from her itching tunnel. Michael Bassey Johnson
It wasn’t until I slowed the car and rolled down the windows that I realized I spend most of my days driving ‘through’ life without driving ‘in’ life. So, I’ve decided to walk because the pace is slower and the windows are always down. Craig D. Lounsbrough
No reason for a feverish rush For we will all arrive in the same place At the right time. Justice will be served. There will be no better or worse, No big and small, no rewards, no punishment, No guilt, no judges, no hierarchies; Only silent equality. Dejan Stojanovic
As if he conveyed by actions what he could never say in words. Would never say in words. Maya Banks
When I was young, I thought it was thunder that kills people. But when I learnt physics in St. Paul's High School, I discovered that it is rather the lightning that does the killing. The voice of the thunder itself is just a noise. The lightning is the poise. I learnt to take the course of my life, not by violence but rather with intelligence. Israelmore Ayivor
I'm going to build that house with my own hands, from the foundation to the roof. I'm going to do it for us, and I'm going to do it right, so it lasts forever. Can't go raising walls on a shaky foundation. Can't go slapping thatch over rafters so thin, they'll topple with the first winter storm. Do you know?" She nodded. "I know." He reached for her hand. "It's the same with us. I mean to build something with you. Something that will last. Much as I want you, I don't want to rush and bollocks it up. . Tessa Dare
There is no need to rush in life. Just with one word at a time, your sweet life history will be written boldly in capitals and highlighted for easy access. Be sure you are passing the test of patience! Israelmore Ayivor
Do not rush to judge someone unless his/her fruits reveal the truth. However, don't forget; mostly, it's not the fault of the tree to produce bitter fruits. Sometimes, the soil determines that; blame the source! Deal with the soil! Don't deal with the tree! Other trees are there that the same soil can influence! Don't deal with your enemy, deal with the satan that sponsors them! Israelmore Ayivor
Don't rush in order to have things done early. Be prepared before you set off. That's the rule. However, this does not mean that you keep delaying the time for beginning. You must begin by all means! Go, get prepared! Israelmore Ayivor
I’m in no hurry: the sun and the moon aren’t, either. Nobody goes faster than the legs they have. If where I want to go is far away, I’m not there in an instant. Alberto Caeiro
Too much hurry will bury your goals. Too much haste will make you waste. Too quick race will cripple your pace. Be patient. Israelmore Ayivor
Don't be carried away by beauty, for the faeces also stays in the rectum of ravishing faces, and their private life is not beautiful as their public life...fear beauty! Michael Bassey Johnson
They say you start weaving clearer, sharper memories after you've been to a place at least twice. Because then the reflection is more of validation. Let the rush come to you and let your senses be flushed the first time. There will be time for reflection after you've had your fill. Psyche RoxasMendoza
No one has ever died of restlessness, but rashness is another matter. We've planted seeds, let them grow. George R.r. Martin
Lust likes to rush, while love hates to wait. Anthony Liccione
And maybe that’s was her biggest crime of all. Making him fall in love with her. Maya Banks
You can twist perception, reality won't budge Neil Peart
Now bound by the sudden rush of emotion that reverberates through me as I remain intent on awakening Nadia, I push my fingertips upward over her neck as if pushing a coin from the edge of heaven, waiting to catch where it falls as if I were in all places at once. I then gently attack her pressure points from every side, leaving Nadia completely vulnerable to my wanting her. Nadia now hastens my love as I reveal to her my gentle ways that excite and nourish her every capacity in all mind, body, and soul. I take to her exaggerated lines that press firmly against me with a wet friction that builds between the cold and the heat, tasting and smelling her sweet body that warms my heart to its core. I allow my mind to speak through my gaze as I look into Nadia’s rich brunneous eyes where hints of sable shimmer across the reflection that mirrors her heart. Luccini Shurod
When you sit tranquilly, you set a great example to the people who rush around in panic and thus you show the crazy waves the beauty of being a calm lake! Mehmet Murat Ildan
Do you ride?” That sounded sort of dirty, and the way he looked at me felt sort of dirty, too. No one ever looked at me like that.“ Why ‘Ghost’?” I asked. Grasping the top of the car door, he leaned over it and spoke in a dramatic, foreboding voice. “Because she’s so fast she disappears down the streets at night.”“ That sounds dangerous.” His dimple appeared. “The best things in life are. Jenn Bennett
Ignorance and prejudice and fear go hand in hand Neil Peart
He needed to get away from the rush of the city, from the unceasing noise and annoying obligations. Francine Rivers
Fools rush in where incumbents fear to tread. Norman Ralph Augustine
Why do they call it rush hour when nothing moves? Robin Williams