3 Quotes & Sayings By Robert Desnos

Robert Desnos (1907–1945) was a French poet, writer, and political activist. He had a great influence on the Surrealist movement. Desnos is one of the most important exponents of Surrealism, the original movement which postulated that there was no distinction between dreams and reality.

Oh, ' said a very white body as it threw a wrist watch to the ground which broke without attracting anyone's attention, 'Oh, how can anyone not love poetry, natural machines, large white houses, the brilliance of steel, crimes and wild passions? Robert Desnos
The stranger was still smiling. He transformed himself into a rose bush and entwined me. My Christian education meant that ever since childhood I have had a horror of vice and it was not without a quite understandable terror that I discerned the pleasure I felt in the embrace of this vigorous bush whose branches gradually mingled with my limbs, my hair and my looks. When one of its flowers came apart in my mouth, I could feel myself grasping the sorcerer in my arms in my turn. He was transformed into a torrent, and I was a barge, into desert and I was smoke, into a car and I was a road, into a man and I was a woman. 'What we are doing is very wrong, ' he said and was off. Robert Desnos